Questions tagged [injective-modules]

For questions about injective modules over a ring and injective objects in related categories.

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25 votes
2 answers

Are there (enough) injectives in condensed abelian groups?

The question is very simple : does $Cond(\mathbf{Ab})$, the category of condensed abelian groups (as defined in Scholze's Lectures in Condensed Mathematics), have enough injectives ? Does it, in fact, ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
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The direct sum of injective modules need not be injective

The Bass-Papp Theorem asserts that a commutative ring $R$ is Noetherian iff every direct sum of injective $R$-modules is injective. Thus every non-Noetherian ring carries a counterexample. If $$ I_1 ...
Miss Independent's user avatar
8 votes
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Direct sum of injective modules over non-Noetherian rings

By the Bass-Papp theorem, if every direct sum of injective $R$-modules is injective then $R$ is Noetherian. I would like to know if there exists an injective module over $R$ non-Noetherian, that ...
Aaron Bennet's user avatar
8 votes
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Injective objects in Mor(Ab)

Consider the abelian (Grothendieck) category $\mathcal{C} := \mathrm{Fun}(\{0<1\},\mathrm{Ab}) = \mathrm{Mor}(\mathrm{Ab})$. Objects are morphisms $(A \to B)$ of abelian groups, morphisms are ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
7 votes
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How to characterize flasque sheaves in more functorial way?

The motivation to ask this question is some proposition of flasque sheaves. Let's recall the definition of flasque sheaf:A sheaf $F$ on a topological space $X$ is flasque if for every inclusion $V\...
user41650's user avatar
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7 votes
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Injective flat module

Let $R$ be a (right noetherian) ring. Is there always a right $R$-module which is both flat and injective? If $R$ is an integral domain, then the answer is indeed yes, as the quotient field is such. ...
Fred.Fred's user avatar
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Nuclearity of $C(\partial_F \mathbb{G})$

Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a discrete quantum group, and consider the non-commutative Furstenberg boundary $\partial_F\mathbb{G}$ with function algebra $C(\partial_F \mathbb{G}) = I_{\mathbb{G}}(\mathbb{C})$....
J. De Ro's user avatar
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On the finiteness of an Auslander-Reiten component

I am reading a paper called A NOTE ON THE RADICAL OF A MODULE CATEGORY by CLAUDIA CHAIO AND SHIPING LIU. This is Theorem 2.7: And this is part of it's proof, in which the direction (2) $\Rightarrow $ ...
mathStudent's user avatar
6 votes
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Is $\mathcal{K}(H)$ injective $\mathcal{B}(H)$-module?

Does anyone know if the right Banach $\mathcal{B}(H)$-module $\mathcal{K}(H)$ is injective? This module is not dual, so standard arguments via flatness do not work. Injectivity is understood in the ...
Norbert's user avatar
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Localisation of injectives

When working with injective modules, one bad thing is that they do not necessarily behave well with respect to localisation. Consider a commutative ring $R$ and have a look at the following properties:...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Injective modules and Pontrjagin duals

Forgive me for this naive question. We consider the following lemma and its proof in Lang's algebra, Third Ed., published 1999, Chap. 20, section 4, page 784. Every module is a submodule of an ...
Anweshi's user avatar
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On some sense of representing an endofunctor of the category of modules over polynomial rings

If $R$ is commutative ring, $n\in\mathbb{N}$, $\mathsf{M}$ the category of $R[x_1,\dotsc,x_n]$-modules,and $F\colon\mathsf{M}\to\mathsf{M}$ an endofunctor of $\mathsf{M}$ which preserves all finite ...
Peter Heinig's user avatar
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Self-injective basic algebras

Do you know of any self-injective basic algebra $A$ over a field $k$ such that its enveloping algebra $A^{\mathrm{op}}\otimes_k A$ is not self-injective? The algebra $A$ cannot be finite-dimensional, ...
Fernando Muro's user avatar
5 votes
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When is every injective module $\Sigma$-injective?

I have been looking for a couple of days for the answer to this question to no avail. Let me define what $\Sigma$-injective is. Let $R$ be a unital, not necessarily commutative ring. A left $R$-...
Pablo Zadunaisky's user avatar
4 votes
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About injective hull

Let $M$ be an $A$-module. Is its injective hull affected by whether I regard $M$ as an $A$-module or $A/\mbox{Ann}(M)$-module ?
ashpool's user avatar
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On definitions and explicit examples of pure-injective modules

I am interested in the following assumption on left $R$-modules: for a module $I$ and all injective homomorphisms $A\to B$ of finitely generated (or possibly finitely presented) modules I want the ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes
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Projective (or injective) object in a subcategory

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category and $\mathcal{B}$ be a full subcategory of $\mathcal{A}$. Suppose that $\mathcal{B}$ is abelian and that the inclusion of $\mathcal{B}$ in $\mathcal{A}$ is ...
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Why does there exist a non-split sequence with the condition that $\mathrm{pd} M=\infty$?

Why does there exist a non-split sequence with the condition that $\mathrm{pd} M = \infty$? Remarks. I am reading Andrzej Skowroński, Sverre O.Smalø, Dan Zacharia: On the Finiteness of the Global ...
Junling Zheng's user avatar
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locally noetherian categories and the category of quasi-coherent sheaves over a noetherian scheme

It is known that a ring $R$ is noetherian if and only if direct sums of injective $R$-modules are injective if and only if every injective $R$-module is a direct sum of indecomposable injective $R$-...
HHH's user avatar
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injective hulls in mixed characteristic

Let $R=\underleftarrow\lim (R/\mathfrak m^i)$ be a complete local ring, with residue field $k=R/\mathfrak m$, and let's assume that $R$ is Noetherian. If $R$ is a $k$-algebra, then I believe that ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Is $Hom_R(S_X^{-1}R, E)$ the minimal injective cogenerator of $S_X^{-1}R$?

Assume that $R$ is a commutative Noetherian ring with minimal injective cogenerator $E$. For a finite set of maximal ideals $X$ of $R$, define the multiplicative set $$S_X=R-\bigcup_{\mathfrak{m}\in X}...
Filburt's user avatar
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Flatness of $C_0(S)$-module $L_\infty(S,\mu)$

Let $S$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space. By $C_0(S)$ we denote the space of continuous functions vanishing at infinity. Let $\mu$ be a finite Borel regular measure om $S$, then consider $L_\infty(...
Norbert's user avatar
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Indecomposable injectives over Weyl algebras

Let $A=A_n(\mathbb{C})$ be the $n$-th Weyl algebra over the complex field. Then $A$ is a left Noetherian noncommutative ring. Is there a complete classification of indecomposable injective $A$-modules?...
Doug Liu's user avatar
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Explicit description of injective hulls

Let $k$ be a field, let $R:=k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$, and consider the $R$-module $M:=R/{(x_1,\ldots,x_n)}\cong k$. Then the injective hull $I_M$ of $M$ admits the following explicit description: $$ I_M = k[...
André Henriques's user avatar
4 votes
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Are injective modules flabby on basic open sets?

In order to give a simple proof of a basic fact about quasi-coherent modules (see below), I'm interested in knowing whether the following statement holds: Statement: If $A$ is a commutative ring and $...
José Navarro's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there an $A$ such that $B$ injective iff 1st Ext functor vanishes?

In the category of $\mathbb{Z}$-modules, there exists a module $A$---for instance $\bigoplus_{k=2}^\infty \mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}$---such that a $\mathbb{Z}$-module $B$ is injective iff $\operatorname{...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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2 answers

Question on injective hulls

How can I show the following: Let $f: M \rightarrow N$ be a morphism in $\text{mod}(A)$, where $A$ is an Artin algebra. Suppose $f \neq 0$. Then there exists a simple module $S$ with its injective ...
mathStudent's user avatar
3 votes
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When is the pullback of an injective sheaf injective?

Let $X$ be a Gorenstein (not necessarily smooth) projective $\mathbb{C}$-scheme and $S$ another $k$-scheme. Let $I$ be an injective sheaf on $X$. Denote by $p:X \times_k S \to X$ the natural ...
user43198's user avatar
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Direct sum of K-injectives over a noetherian ring

Let $A$ be a noetherian ring, and let $\{I_i \mid i \in J\}$ be a collection of K-injective complexes over $A$. Is the direct sum $$ \bigoplus_{i \in J} I_i $$ also a K-injective complex over $A$? ...
Injective's user avatar
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Looking for example of quotient of group algebra by ideal of group ring which fails to be injective

I am looking for an example of a group ring $\mathbb{Z}[G]$ of a finite group $G$ along with a lattice $I$ (in the case at hand the word 'lattice' means: a $\mathbb{Z}[G]$-submodule which is ...
user122368's user avatar
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Do rationally contractible presheaves have rationally contractible injective resolution

Given a presheaf $\mathcal{F}: Sm/k\rightarrow Ab$ we define a new presheaf $C\mathcal{F}= \varinjlim\limits_{X\times \{0,1\}\subset U \subset X\times \mathbb{A}^1}\mathcal{F}(U)$. The presheaf $\...
user127776's user avatar
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Is there a constructive proof of Baer's Criterion?

Baer's Criterion states than one can check injectivity of an $R$-module on inclusions of ideals. The proof, however, strikes me as very nonconstructive: it employs both Zorn's Lemma and LEM. Does ...
seldon's user avatar
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Decomposition of injective modules over Noetherian rings

Let $A=\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ be a polynomial algebra over the complex numbers. I am interested in injective modules over $A$. Since $A$ is projective over itself, the $\mathbb{C}$-dual module $...
Alex's user avatar
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Rejects and injectives

Let $A$ be any ring and consider modules on the left. For $M$ $A$-module, the trace $Tr(M,A)$ is a two-sided ideal of $A$. If $A$ is a unitary ring then: $Tr(P,A)P=P$, for $P$ projective; $Tr(P,A)^2=...
3 A's's user avatar
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Finite generatation of Ext

If $A$ is a Noetherian ring and $M$, $N$ are finitely generated modules over $A$, it is easy to see that $\mbox{Ext}_{A}(M,N)$ is finitely generated by taking a finitely generated projective ...
ashpool's user avatar
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Simple Question on Injective Hulls

Let $R$ be a noetherian local ring with maximal ideal $\mathcal m$ and denote by $E$ the injective hull of the residue field $k$. Then, as an $R-$module, what is the support of $E$?
Veen's user avatar
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Example of non vanishing Ext

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring and $I$ is a proper ideal of $R$. suppose that $M$ is a f.g. $R$-module. $\DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext}$I'm looking for an example that has this property: $$\...
pink floyd's user avatar
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Injective Change of Rings

Sorry if this is too elementary, but when I was going to ask this question on math.stackexchange, I saw the same question with three up-votes and no answer. So I decided to post it here. I am doing ...
Jehu314's user avatar
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A generating set for injective envelope

Let $m$ be a maximal ideal of a commutative ring $R$ with $1$. Can we construct a generating set $\{x_i\}_{i\in I}$ for the injective envelope $E(R/m) $ of $R/m$ such that $R/m\not\subseteq\langle x_i\...
Nemool's user avatar
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Injective modules over noncommutative noetherian rings

Let $R$ be a left noetherian ring, then it is well known that Matlis proved that any injective $R$-module decomposes into a sum of indecomposable injectives, each of form $E(R/I)$ for some irreducible ...
Fred.Fred's user avatar
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Analogy between quasi-injective modules & extensible Banach spaces

Let $X$ be a module. $X$ is said to be quasi-injective if every homomorphism $h:A\to X$ from any submodule $A\subseteq X$ has an extension to an endomorphism $\tilde{h}:X\to X$. A module $X$ is quasi-...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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When does a local Cohen–Macaulay ring admit a non-zero finitely generated maximal Cohen–Macaulay module of finite injective dimension?

Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a local Cohen–Macaulay ring. Then, it is well- nown that there exists a non-zero finitely generated $R$-module of finite injective dimension; for instance $\operatorname{Hom}...
strat's user avatar
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Bimodule resolutions

I have asked this question on Mathematics Stack exachange but didn't get any reply yet. So, I am asking it here. Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra. Let M be a left A-module and N be a right A-...
Sam's user avatar
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Could we prove the flat base change theorem for cohomology via injective resolution?

Let $X$ be a quasi-separated scheme over a base ring $A$ and $\mathcal{F}$ be a quasi-coherent $\mathcal{O}_X$-module. Let $A\to B$ be a flat morphism and $X^{\prime}:=X\times_{\text{spec}(A)}\text{...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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cofree modules and dual

1, Why do people pay special attention to Q/Z in the definition of cofree modules instead of ordinary abelian groups? 2, Over a PID, is every injective module cofree? Just like the relationship ...
user31480's user avatar
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Does anyone have a good example of an injective resolution?

I'm learning about injective resolutions and derived functor sheaf cohomology, and it seems that every source on injective resolutions gives no examples. I feel like just one good example would make ...
A. Kriegman's user avatar
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injective hull and projective cover of simple modules are indecomposable

Let $A$ be an Artinian algebra. Let $S$ be a simple module over $A$. Let $\pi: S \rightarrow I$ be the injective hull and $\tau: P \rightarrow S$ be the projective cover of $S$. Then $I$ and $P$ must ...
mathStudent's user avatar
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Graded version of Baer's Criterion

Baer's Criterion for injectiveness of modules says: "An $R$-module $E$ is injective iff for all ideals $I$ of $R$, every homomorphism $f\colon I \to E$ can be extended to $R$." I wonder if there is a ...
user 1's user avatar
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Question on simple modules and projective covers

I have the following question: Let $A$ be an Artin algebra. Let $S_1$ and $S_2$ be simple modules in $\text{mod}(A)$ and let $P(S_1)$ be the projective cover of $S_1$. Let $f: P(S_1) \rightarrow S_2$ ...
mathStudent's user avatar
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For a pure-injective module $M$ does the property "$\operatorname{Hom}(-,M)$ is surjective" commute with certain limits?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$Let $M$ be a pure-injective module. Then $\Hom(\varphi,M)$ is surjective for a pure-mono $\varphi$. It is well-known that $\varphi$ is a direct limit of split monos $\...
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