Questions tagged [hyperbolic-geometry]

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Showing an action of a higher rank lattice on hyperbolic space has a fixed point

In the introduction to this paper, the author mentions that any action of a lattice $\Gamma < G$ on a rank one symmetric space $X$ has a fixed point, where $G$ is a higher rank semisimple algebraic ...
Mauro's user avatar
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A paradox in hyperbolic geometry? [closed]

I was making some routine calculations when I found the strange following result : in the hyperbolic plane (with the Gauss curvature set at K=-1), let's $C$ a circle of center $O$ and radius $R$ and $...
Dfeldmann's user avatar
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Ideal Ford domain (for finite index subgroup)

Let $G$ be a lattice Fuchsian group with parabolic elements, seen as a discrete subgroup of matrices $ g= \begin{pmatrix} \alpha & \overline{\beta} \\ \beta & \overline{\alpha} \end{pmatrix} $...
user178149's user avatar
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What is the relationship between $\mathrm{SO}(2)$ and $\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}\DeclareMathOperator\R{\mathbb{R}}$The holonomy of a hyperbolic surface $S$ in terms of differential geometry is either $\SO(2)$ or $\mathrm{O}(...
Burak Guner's user avatar
7 votes
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A criterion for loxodromicity in Gromov-hyperbolic spaces

Recall that an isometry of a Gromov-hyperbolic space $X$ is called loxodromic if it has exactly two fixed points on the Gromov boundary $\partial X$, one being "attracting" and the other &...
Jean Raimbault's user avatar
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Coordinate transformation for the hyperbolic plane to the pseudo sphere

There are three common ways to represent the hyperbolic plane. One usually starts with the hyperboloid $x_1^2+x_2^2-x_3^2=-1$ embedded in a Minkowski space with metric $ds^2 = dx_1^2+dx_2^2-dx_3^2$. ...
p6majo's user avatar
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Are there examples of hyperbolic manifolds with finite Bowen-Margulis measure and fundamental group which is not relatively hyperbolic?

It is well known that a geometrically finite hyperbolic manifold (quotient of $H^n$) has finite Bowen-Margulis measure. Marc Peigné [1] constructed examples of geometrically infinite hyperbolic ...
Ilya Gekhtman's user avatar
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Can a hyperbolic three-manifold have 𝑛 toric boundary components?

I'm wondering if I can construct a class of hyperbolic three-manifolds with $n$ toric boundaries. My idea is to take a bordered hyperbolic Riemann surface $\Sigma_{g,n}$, of genus $g$ with geodesic ...
Oblonski's user avatar
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Is Tarskian hyperbolic geometry consistent, complete & decidable?

Tarski developed an axiomatic description of Euclidean geometry in first order logic. Its primitive notions are points and its primitive relations are betweeness and congruence of points. The Parallel ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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References on Hyperbolic Geometry and Teichmuller Theory

I am asking a soft question here. I am learning hyperbolic geometry on my own. Recently, I have completed the book "Fuchsian Groups" by Svetlana Katok. Also, I have background in Lee's three ...
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Definition of quasi-geodesics

I was going through the books Géométrie et théorie des groupes by Michel Coornaert, Thomas Delzant, Athanase Papadopoulos and Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature by Martin R. Bridson, André ...
Alex George's user avatar
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References on Riemann surfaces

I have asked the question in MSE, but did not get an answer. I am asking a soft question here. I am interested in learning about Hyperbolic Geometry. I have read the book named "Fuchsian Groups&...
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Dirichlet region of a free group

Let $G$ be a non-uniform lattice Fuchsian group and let $P$ be a Dirichlet region for $G$. In particular $G$ has parabolic elements, $P$ is not compact and has finite area. We are in the unit disc. Is ...
user178149's user avatar
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Geometrical meaning of a question from Marden

Let $T \in SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ be a normalised Möbius transformation. Then, $$|T(z) - T(w)| =|z-w||T'(z)^{\frac{1}{2}}||T'(w)^{\frac{1}{2}}|$$. The above is an exercise from Outer Circles by Marden (ex. ...
Temari's user avatar
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Random walks on the Poincaré disk

Let $G$ be the group of isometries of the Poincaré disk. Let $\mu$ be a probability measure on $G$, and consider $g_1,..,g_n$ i.i.d. random variables on $G$ distributed according to $\mu$. For $z\in \...
Chevallier's user avatar
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finding automorphisms of binary hermitian forms

Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field and $\mathcal{O}_K$ be its ring of integers. Write $\mathcal{H}(\mathcal{O}_K)$ for the set of hermitian 2 x 2 matrices with entries in $\mathcal{O}_K$. Now, we ...
ersin's user avatar
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Hyperbolic 3-manifolds inside algebraic varieties

I have a hyperbolic 3-manifold $M$ that I'd like to see sit inside a complex algebraic variety $V$ as beautifully and snugly as possible. I don't want to specify attributes of "beauty" (e.g.,...
Afa's user avatar
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Relating different parametrizations of moduli space of Riemann surfaces

I would like to understand, as explicitly as possible, how different coordinates on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces are related: On the one hand, there is a parametrization coming from hyperbolic ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
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Classification of isometries of hyperbolic 3-space

Denote the upper half space by $\mathcal{H}_{3}=\Bbb{C}\times (0,\infty)$. A point $P \in \mathcal{H}_{3}$ is given as, $P=(z, t)=(x, y, t)=z+t j$ where $z=x+i y$ and $j=(0,0,1) .$ The group $P S L_{2}...
ersin's user avatar
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Maximum entropy distribution in the hyperbolic plane with given "mean" and "variance"

On the Euclidean sphere, by defining suitable analogs of the mean and variance in terms of the first circular moment, it can be shown that the von Mises distribution is the maximum entropy ...
popstack's user avatar
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Can the Chern-Simons invariant of a cusped hyperbolic $3$-manfiold be defined mod $\mathbb Z$?

For a closed hyperbolic $3$-manifold $M$, the Chern-Simons invariant $CS(M)$ can be defined as an element of $\mathbb R/\mathbb Z$. When $M$ is cusped it can still be defined, but is now only defined ...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar
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Covering hyperbolic manifolds by round balls

This question is a natural follow up to the question asked here. I think it should not be too hard to answer it (negatively) in dimension 3, but higher dimensions will be probably challenging. Let $M$...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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Is the space of Euclidean polyhedra with a fixed $1$-skeleton connected?

Let $\mathcal{A}_\Gamma$ be the space of convex (non-degenerate) Euclidean polyhedra with $1$-skeleton a certain polyhedral graph $\Gamma$. This space can be seen as a subset of $\mathcal{Gr}_2(\...
Giulio Belletti's user avatar
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Can you cover a genus a billion hyperbolic surface with 15 balls?

Here's a question I was wondering about this week. Not sure how interesting it is, but I thought it was kind of curious. Question: Given $k$, is there a number $N=N(k)$ such that if a closed ...
biringer's user avatar
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When does a subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}(n, \mathbb Q)$ have a bounded fundamental domain on $\mathbb R^n$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $G \subset M_{n\times n~}(\mathbb Z)$ be a finitely generated subgroup of $\GL(n,\mathbb Q)$ (i.e. $g\in G$ is an invertible matrix with entries in $\mathbb Z$). Then $...
Li Yutong's user avatar
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Fixed point free involutions on Riemann surfaces

It is well known that a Riemann surface can have a fixed point free holomorphic involution only if it has odd genus. If it has one, is it unique? More generally, is any fixed point free automorphism ...
Dan Gallo's user avatar
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Optimal $\delta$ for Gromov's $\delta$-hyperbolicity of the hyperbolic plane

What is the minimal $\delta$ such that the hyperbolic plane is $\delta$-hyperbolic, in the sense of the four point definition of Gromov? Four point definition of Gromov: A metric space $(X, d)$ is $\...
popstack's user avatar
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Mapping the hyperbolic plane onto the interior of a disk

In Chapter II of his book Non-Euclidean Geometry (1961; first published in Polish, 1956), Stefan Kulczycki defines a mapping of the hyperbolic plane onto the interior of a disk. Its construction ...
Firestone's user avatar
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How to tile a plane such that moving from one tile to the next in any of the 8 cardinal directions is the same length?

When tiling the euclidean plane with squares (like most board games), moving diagonally to another tile is longer than moving vertically or horizontally. Is there a tiling such that moving in any of ...
YEp d's user avatar
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Cross ratio in hyperbolic geometry

In the rough sketch four concurrent lines are drawn in the Poincaré disk model and in the Euclidean model. If same angles $ (\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta) $ are enclosed at respective points of ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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Hyperbolic length of curve that does not enter a collar

Let $\Sigma$ be a compact surface of genus at least $1$ with one boundary component, equipped with a hyperbolic metric so that the boundary is geodesic. There is a version of the collar lemma that ...
user158773's user avatar
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Explicit description of the group of deck transformations acting on the universal cover of a Riemann Surface

I am finding the explicit description of genus $2$ surface as the upper half plane modulo group of Deck Transformation. I did't find it anywhere. Also, I found a similar question here. But, there is ...
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Hyperbolic metrics and the general Ahlfors-Bers theorem

Let $M$ be an oriented smooth compact 3-manifold with non-empty boundary and hyperbolizable interior such that all boundary components have genus greater than $1$. Denote $N:={\rm int}(M)$ and $$HM_{...
Roman's user avatar
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Statements related to Thurston's work on the surface

If we have simple closed curves $\alpha$ and $\beta$ on a surface $\Sigma_g$, the intersection number $i(\alpha ,\beta)$ is defined to be the minimal cardinality of $\alpha_1\cap\beta_1$ as $\alpha_1$ ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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Gromov hyperbolicity constant vs. Gromov-Hausdorff distance to a tree

Let $X$ be a compact, geodesic metric space which is Gromov hyperbolic with a constant $\delta>0$. To fix scaling, let us also assume that $X$ has diameter $1$. To fix a definition of Gromov ...
anon's user avatar
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Efficiently find at least one lattice point on hyperbola of equation $axy+bx+cy+d=0$

I need an algorithm to efficiently find at least one lattice point on a hyperbola of equation $axy+bx+cy+d=0$. Lattice point means integer coordinates and equation with integer means diophantine ...
user2548436's user avatar
26 votes
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Equations defining hyperbolic geodesics in $\mathbb C \setminus\{0,1\}$

Let $X=\mathbb C\setminus\{0,1\}$, equipped with the hyperbolic structure it inherits from Klein's modular $\lambda$ function $\lambda:\mathbb H \to X$. In each (non-peripheral and nontrivial) free-...
Jonah Gaster's user avatar
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What is the name of this geometric structure, where we identify each sphere of vision with the sphere at infinity?

If you consider hyperbolic $n$-space $H^n$, modeled by the open unit ball $B^n \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, then given any two distinct points $x_1$, $x_2$ in $H^n$, there is a natural way of identifying ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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When do the lengths of simple closed curves determine a hyperbolic surface?

Consider hyperbolic metrics on $\Sigma_g$ a closed orientable surface of genus $g$. Let $[\gamma_1] , \cdots, [\gamma_n]$ be a finite collection of isotopy classes of simple closed curves on $\Sigma_g$...
Selim G's user avatar
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Exponential map and optimization

Apologies in advance for being somewhat vague. I'm trying to get pointers to establish a connection between a common trick used in practice in optimization, and the exponential map in differential ...
Athere's user avatar
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Absolute and relative tilings of the hyperbolic plane

In Conway's Symmetries of Things on p. 265 I found these two tilings of the hyperbolic plane with the same vertex configuration $($ (resp. vertex figure, as Conway calls it). The ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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What is sequential boundary of a $\delta$-hyperbolic space and how is the Gromov product extended to the boundary?

I have been reading up on $\delta$-hyperbolic spaces. But I am not getting a clear idea of sequential boundary of $\delta$-hyperbolic spaces and how the Gromov product is extended to it. Could ...
Alex George's user avatar
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Complete geodesics on hyperbolic a pair of pants

I have asked this question on MSE. But I think Mo is a better place to ask my question. Here is the link to my question on MSE. I will rewrite it here: I am trying to understand the article by Maryam ...
Amirhossein's user avatar
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Cusps of hyperbolic surfaces under finite covers

The following statement seems true, but I don't know a proof or a reference for it (and I would like one). Let $\Gamma< \operatorname{PSL}(2,\mathbb R)$ be a nonuniform lattice with one cusp. We ...
Chris Z's user avatar
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Weil-Petersson metric with respect to covering

Let $S$ be a closed oriented surface of genus $g\geq 2$. Consider the Teichmuller space $T(S)$. Let $d_t$ be the Teichmuller metric and $d_{WP}$ be the Weil-Petersson metric on $T(S)$. Let $P:S_1\...
Cusp's user avatar
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How did Gauss characterize the metrical relations in the uniform (4 4 4) tiling of the hyperbolic unit disk?

My purpose is to verify an historical hypothesis I have on Gauss's tesselation of the unit disk as described in John Stilwell "Mathematics and its history". Looking at the relevant pages in ...
user2554's user avatar
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Alternate proofs that hyperbolic plane can’t be isometrically immersed in $\mathbb{R}^3$

A famous theorem of Hilbert says that there is no smooth immersion of the hyperbolic plane in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. The expositions of this that I know of (in eg do Carmo’s book on curves/...
Linda's user avatar
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Presentations of $\mathbf{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_q)$ by three involutions

If I am not mistaken, the group $\mathbf{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_q)$, with $\mathbb{F}_q$ the finite field with $q$ elements, can be generated by three involutions. Where could I find such representations ? ...
THC's user avatar
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Presentations of $\mathbf{𝐏𝐆𝐋}_3(\mathbb{F}_2)$ by three involutions, 2

I am searching for a presentation of the group $\mathbf{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_2)$ for which the generators are involutions $a, b, c$, and such that the following relations are present [among extra ...
THC's user avatar
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Bounded subsets of $\delta$-hyperbolic metric spaces

I was reading this book by Coorneart, Delzant, and Papadopoulos. I am stuck with this proposition in Chapter 1 (Proposition 1.5) If $Y$ is a bounded $\delta$-hyperbolic subset of $X$, then $X$ is $\...
Alex George's user avatar

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