Questions tagged [homological-algebra]

(Co)chain complexes, abelian Categories, (pre)sheaves, (co)homology in various (possibly highly generalized) settings, spectra, derived functors, resolutions, spectral sequences, homotopy categories. Chain complexes in an abelian category form the heart of homological algebra.

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Non existence of commutative singular cochains vs quasi iso between cochains on BT and its cohomology

I believe that there isn't a commutative model for the DGA of cochains on a space, because of cohomology operations. This question has some nice explanations of why this is so. For example, there is a ...
J Cameron's user avatar
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Long exact sequence of Quillen derived functors

Let $F:\mathcal A\to \mathcal B$ be an additive right exact functor between abelian categories $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$. Then for a short exact sequence $$ 0\to A\to B\to C\to 0 $$ in $\mathcal A$...
res's user avatar
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How "commutative" are Cech cochains of a sheaf of commutative (dg) algebras?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf of commutative dg-algebras over $X$. Let $\mathfrak{U}$ be a fixed open covering of $X$ and $C^\bullet(\mathfrak{U},\mathcal{F})$ be the ...
algebrachallenged's user avatar
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Criteria for being representation-infinite for subcategories of quiver algebras

Let $A$ be a quiver algebra over a field $K$ (maybe we need algebraically closed?). Then the following is two statements are well known: In case $A$ is representation-infinite, every Auslander-Reiten ...
Mare's user avatar
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Strong Convergence vs Conditional Convergence for Spectral Sequences (Is there a simple explanation?)

I am curious if there is a relatively simple explanation of what is the difference between strong convergence and conditional convergence for Spectral Sequences? (Hopefully a simpler explanation than ...
yoyostein's user avatar
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K-flat, K-flabby resolution

Let $X$ be a topological space and $F$ a flat sheaf of abelian groups. It is well known that taking the Godement resolution of $F$ gives rise to a "flabbyflat" or "flasqueflat" resolution, in the ...
Rene Recktenwald's user avatar
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Derived tensor products and Tor of commutative monoids

Two commutative monoids $M,N$ have a tensor product $M\otimes N$ satisfying the universal property that there is a tensor-Hom adjunction for any other commutative monoid $L$: $$\text{Hom}(M\otimes N,L)...
John Berman's user avatar
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Does the de Rham complex induce a functorial soft resolution of the category of cochain complexes of sheaves of vector spaces on a smooth manifold?

I apologize in advance if this is pretty straightforward; I'm a differential geometer and physicist by training so my homological algebra and homotopy theory are a bit weak. Question: Let $M$ be a ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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What is the relationship between Frobenius extensions and Separable extensions

Let $R\to S$ be an extension of possibly non-commutative rings. I am interested in the relationship between $R\to S$ being Frobenius and it being separable. If it is a Frobenius extension, then there ...
Johannes Hahn's user avatar
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What is the algebro-geometric or measure-theoretic "content" of Dhillon and Mináč's motivic Artin symbols over an arbitrary ground field?

1. Short version. In this text, Dhillon and Mináč define motivic Artin symbols. Having fixed a ground field $k$ and a smooth projective curve $Y$ over $k$ equipped with the action of a finite group $G$...
Tyler Foster's user avatar
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Ext$^1(D(A),A)$ for hereditary algebras

Let $A$ be a hereditary (non-semisimple) finite-dimensional algebra over a field $K$. Let $M:={\rm Ext}^{1}_A(D(A),A)$ ($ \cong D(\tau((D(A)))$ as left modules) and let $A^e$ be the enveloping algebra ...
Mare's user avatar
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Recovering an A-infinity structure on an Ext-algebra from a quiver presentation

Let $A=KQ/I$ be a basic finite dimensional algebra given by a quiver with relations. Let $S$ denote the direct sum of the corresponding simple modules. According to [Keller: A-infinity algebras in ...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
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Spectral sequences coming from filtrations (Postnikov systems) in triangulated categories: references and convergence

Let $c^i: M^{\ge i+1}\to M^{\ge i}$ for $i\in \mathbb{Z}$ be an sequence of morphisms in a triangulated category $C$ and assume that $M^{\ge i}$ are equipped with compatible morphisms into an object $...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Ext^1 for a local finite dimensional selfinjective algebra

Is there a nonprojective module $M$ over a finite dimensional local selfinjective algebra with $Ext^{1}(M,M)=0$? I asked this question also here: There it is ...
Mare's user avatar
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divided power structure on Hocschild cohomology?

Does Hochschild cohomology of a cocommutative Hopf algebra over a field of positive characteristic have a natural divided power structure? If not, perhaps a certain natural extra structure on the ...
Roman's user avatar
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Description of connecting maps of Derived functors

Let $C$ be an abelian category with enough injectives and $F$ be a left exact additive functor. Consider the short exact sequence $0 \to A' \to A \to A ''\to 0$. Therefore, we have connecting maps $\...
Shubhodip Mondal's user avatar
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Partial formality of A-infinity structure implies formality

Let $A$ be a (finite dimensional, unital, associative) $k$-algebra, where $k$ is a (algebraically closed) field. Let $M$ be a (finite dimensional) $A$-module. Then, it is known that $\operatorname{Ext}...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
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Do differential objects form triangulated categories?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a (fixed) additive category. To a differential object $(A,a)$ for $\mathcal{A}$ (so, $a:A\to A$ and $a^2=0$) one may associate an $\mathcal{A}$-complex $\dots \to A\stackrel{a}{\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Second homology of mapping class group via universal coefficient theorem

Let $S_g$ be the closed, orientable surface of genus $g\ge 2$ and $Mod(S_{g,1})$ the mapping class group of homeomorphisms fixing a base point $x_0\in S_g$ modulo isotopies fixing $x_0$. It is known ...
ThiKu's user avatar
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Hochschild Cohomology of the Quantum Torus

I would like some advice on how to compute directly, or by a higher powered method the Hochschild Cohomology groups of the quantum torus using the stated complex I have found. I think there are ...
No1729's user avatar
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Can triangulated categories be "approximated by countable subcategories" (that are triangulated but not full!)?

For a given (finite) set of (objects and) morphisms $f_i$ in a triangulated category $C$ I am interested in a (non-full!) triangulated subcategory $C'\subset C$ of "small size" that would contain them....
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Can we obtain a derived category from an additive category? Like a category of Banach modules?

Let $A$ be a Banach algebra, let $A$-mod be the category of left Banach modules (as defined in Helemskii's "Banach and locally convex algebras"), $A$-mod is an additive category, but not abelian ...
user44644's user avatar
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Projective dimension of ring over its center

If $A$ is a ring and $Z(A)$ is its center then what is a sufficient condition for the projective dimension of $A$ over $Z(A)$ (ie: $pd_{Z(A)}(A)$) to be finite? (Assuming that $A\neq Z(A)$).
ABIM's user avatar
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Vanishing of Andre-Quillen homology and injective dimension

Let $(A,m,k)$ be a commutative local ring. Assume that for all $n\ge 3$, the Andre-Quillen homology modules $H_n(A,k,k)$ vanish. Does this imply that $A$ has finite injective dimension over itself? ...
user54518's user avatar
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Definition of modules over $C_\infty$-algebras ("commutative $A_\infty$-algebras")

Let $\Lambda$ be a finite-dimensional associative algebra. We can think of this as an $A_\infty$-algebra with vanishing $m_i$ for $i \ne 2$ and consider $A_\infty$-modules $M$ over it. A list of ...
Steven Sam's user avatar
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interpretation of homology of "non-commutative Koszul complex"

Let $A = Sym^*(V)$ be a polynomial ring. The Koszul complex $\cdots \to \wedge^2 V \otimes A \to V \otimes A \to A$ gives a resolution of the residue field $k$, so for any $A$-module $M$, the ...
Steven Sam's user avatar
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Sign problem for the shift functor on DG modules

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a Differential graded $k$ category, where $k$ is a commutative ring. I want to extend the shift functor $[1]$ on chain complexes to dg modules over $\mathcal{A}$. Now a right dg ...
Sondre's user avatar
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Do exact functors commute with spectral sequences ?

Let $F: \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an exact covariant functor of abelian categories and let $$\mathscr{C}: A \to A \to B \to A$$ be an exact couple in $\mathcal{A}$ with corresponding spectral ...
Ralph's user avatar
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Exactness is often an open condition. How often?

Let $\mathcal C$ denote an abelian category. Consider a formal $\mathbb Z$-graded object $V_\bullet$ in $\mathcal C$, by which I simply mean a $\mathbb Z$-indexed list $n\mapsto V_n$ of objects. A ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Minimal Koszul-Tate resolutions

In what generality of commutative associative algebras does there exist a minimal Koszul-Tate resolution? Or what is the most general condition known?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Defining the cup product in Ext using a Kunneth formula

I want to make a Kunneth product of sorts on Ext. In particular, letting $C_*$ be a $R$-free resolution for $k$ over a $k$-hopf algebra $R$, elements in $Ext_R(k,k)$ are represented by maps in $Hom_R(...
Joseph Victor's user avatar
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an exercise in the Rotman book

I read the following exercise in the book of Rotman: "an introduction to homological algebra" 9.21: In the situation $(_RA, _SB_R, _SC)$ with $B$ $R$-projective, use the adjoint isomorphism to obtain ...
Pham Hung Quy's user avatar
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Coherence of the monoid algebra of a non-finitely generated monoid

Let $P$ be an integral, sharp, finitely generated commutative monoid (say even torsion-free and saturated if you like), and consider the "rational cone" $P_\mathbb{Q}\subseteq P^{gp}\otimes_\mathbb{Z}...
Mattia Talpo's user avatar
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Alternative approaches to the universal coefficient theorem

Let $A$ be a chain complex of free $R$-modules over a PID $R$, and let's assume $A$ has finite cohomological type, by which I mean $H^\ast(A)$ is finitely generated in each dimension and $0$ for large ...
Greg Friedman's user avatar
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Pullbacks of Abelian Categories and their Ext-Groups

Let $\mathcal{A}$, $\mathcal{B}$ and $\mathcal{C}$ be abelian categories and $F: \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{C}$ and $G: \mathcal{B} \to \mathcal{C}$ be functors between them. It is then possible to ...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Extensions of maps between graded modules

Let $R$ be a connected graded ring (like $R=\mathbb R[x_1,\dots,x_d]$ with the usual grading) and let $N \subset R^{\oplus n}$ be a graded submodule, i.e. $$N= \bigoplus_{i \in \mathbb N} (N \cap R^{\...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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Question about unbounded derived categories of quasicoherent sheaves

This is a bit of a strange question since I more or less want to ask the MO crowd whether I've understood the situation correctly. If you have an unbounded complex of quasicoherent injective sheaves $...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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A smooth twisted tensor product of dg algebras?

I want to consider a Z/2Z dg algebra. As an algebra, it is generated over $\mathbb{Q}$ by two elements where x is even and e is odd with the relations $xe=ex$ and $e^2=1$(this makes it in particular ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Is a certain A-infinity algebra (homologically) smooth?

An A-infinity algebra $A$ is smooth a'la Kontsevich if it is perfect as an $A$-$A$-bimodule. I am wondering about the standard tricks to show smoothness of given algebras. A relatively basic example ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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$\mathbb{Z}[T]$-Solidification in light condensed setting

In the lectures to "Analytic Stacks" Scholze and Clausen introduced a new concept of "light" condensed mathematics. In Lecture 7 Clausen introduces the derived $T$-solidification ...
Jonas Heintze's user avatar
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An $E_{\infty}$-algebra is a $C_{\infty}$-algebra?

Past this question in MO have raised the following questions for me. Question In characteristic $0$, it is well-known that a Kadeishvili‘s $C_{\infty}$-algebra is an $E_{\infty}$-algebra. However, do ...
Walterfield's user avatar
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Hochschild cohomology of path algebra as a cohomology of simplicial complex

M. Gerstenhaber and S. D. Schack have shown that a cohomology of simplicial complex can be expressed as a Hochschild cohomology of path algebra constructed from this complex (link). Is the opposite ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Infinite dimensional homology theory for submanifolds of Hilbert and Banach spaces

Is there a version of homology theory for spaces for which explicitly infinite dimensional "cells" are allowed? The spaces in question include e.g. \begin{equation} X = (x: x \in l_2: p_i(x) ...
0x11111's user avatar
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What is the geometric interpretation of the first Hochschild homology group of path algebra constructed from a directed graph?

Let $\mathcal{G} = (V, E, s, t)$ is a directed graph, where $V$ - the set of its vertices, $E$ - the set of its edges, $s: E \rightarrow V, s((v_1, v_2)) = v_1$ and $t: E \rightarrow V, s((v_1, v_2)) =...
Alexander's user avatar
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Finitistic dimension conjecture — why artin algebras?

As I understand it, the finitistic dimension conjecture says that if a ring $A$ is finitely generated over a commutative artinian ring $K$, then the finitistic dimension of $A$ is finite. My question ...
Finitistic dimension's user avatar
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base change property of Topological Hochschild homology

What is the "base change property" of topological Hochschild homology? In Proposition 11.10 of Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze's paper "Topological Hochschild homology and integral p-adic Hodge ...
K.M.'s user avatar
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Lifting theorem for modules over a DGA

In the survey paper "Cartan's Constructions, the homology of $K(\pi,n)$'s, and some later developments" by J. C. Moore ( ) he states a ...
Patrick Nicodemus's user avatar
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Classification of 2-periodic triangulated categories

Let $T$ be an algebraic triangulated (k-linear over a field, Hom-finite, idempotent-complete) category. Call $T$ 2-periodic if $\Omega^2(X) \cong X$ for all $X \in T$. Question 1: Is there a ...
Mare's user avatar
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Regular coherence of tensor algebras

Under what conditions on a bimodule $M$ over a noetherian commutative ring $R$ is the tensor algebra $T=T_R(M)$ regular coherent? A theorem of Gersten says this is true for a free bimodule $M$. If $M$ ...
Willie C's user avatar
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Multi-variable cohomology operations

Intuitively, cohomology operations are ways to locally compute a cocycle $\alpha\in H^i(X, G)$ from any cocycle $\beta\in H^j(X, H)$. Formally, they are in one-to-one correspondence with homotopy ...
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