Questions tagged [gt.geometric-topology]

Topology of cell complexes and manifolds, classification of manifolds (e.g. smoothing, surgery), low dimensional topology (e.g. knot theory, invariants of 4-manifolds), embedding theory, combinatorial and PL topology, geometric group theory, infinite dimensional topology (e.g. Hilbert cube manifolds, theory of retracts).

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2 votes
1 answer

Corollary in Rasmussen's paper about $s$-grading of Lee's canonical generators

In Jacob Rasmussen's paper Khovanov homology and the slice genus, he states as Corollary 3.6 that $s(\mathfrak s_o)=s(\mathfrak s_{\bar o})=s_{min}(K)$, where $s$ is the $s$-grading and $\mathfrak s_o,...
boink's user avatar
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4 votes
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Existence of tubular neighborhood of singular complex subvariety

Let $X$ be a smooth complex projective manifold and let $Y$ be a closed subvariety of $X$ with $y\in Y$ a fixed point. Does there exist an open neighborhood $U$ of $Y$ such that $\pi_1(Y,y)\to \pi_1(U,...
Higgs-Boson's user avatar
3 votes
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Handle attachment information from Morse function and triangulation

First, allow me to setup the relevant information. It is well known that a Morse function $f:M\to\mathbb{R}$ induces a handle decomposition of $M$. For simplicity, let's restrict for now to the ...
rab's user avatar
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7 votes
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Calculating the Seifert framing for an exceptional fiber in a Seifert-fibered integer homology 3-sphere

Let $Y=\Sigma(\alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{n})$ be a Seifert fibered homology 3-sphere, let $\pi:Y\to\Sigma$ denote the projection to the orbifold surface, and let $T\subset Y$ be the pre-image under $\pi$...
Ian Montague's user avatar
4 votes
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Bounds for the crossing number in terms of the braid index?

Is there a lower bound on the crossing number of a knot (resp., link) with braid index $b$? For knots, I believe the smallest crossing number for braid index 2 is 3, the smallest crossing number for ...
Charles's user avatar
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Maps of surfaces to CAT(0) cube complexes

Let $C$ be a locally CAT(0) cube complex. Let $f\colon \Sigma_g \rightarrow C$ be a continuous map from a closed oriented genus $g \geq 1$ surface to $C$. Is it always possible to find a cube ...
Ursula's user avatar
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Simplified Bing's house

Bing's house is an example of contractible 2-complex in $\mathbb{R}^3$. One may think that it is a surface without boundary that has two types of singularities: tripod curves — curves where three ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
10 votes
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Bi-Lipschitz mappings

Assume that we have a bi-Lipschitz mapping $f:\bar{\mathbb{B}}^n(0,1)\to\mathbb{R}^n$. The mapping need not be smooth anywhere and it may happen that it cannot be extended to a homeomorphism of a ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
3 votes
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Boundaries of subsets of simply-connected domains

I am trying to prove the following assertion: Let $B$ be a simply-connected set, and let $B' \subsetneq B$ be a proper open connected subset. Then, there exists a point $x \in \partial B'$ of the ...
travis schedler's user avatar
3 votes
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Discreteness of volumes of boundary-parabolic representations

Suppose $M$ is a cusped hyperbolic $3$-manifold of finite volume. Let $\mathfrak{R}_0(M)$ be the space of boundary-parabolic representations $\rho : \pi_1(M) \to \operatorname{PSL}_2(\mathbb C)$. Is ...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar
11 votes
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The second coefficient of the Conway polynomial from Knot Floer homology

Let $\nabla_K(z)$ be the Conway polynomial and $\Delta_K(t)$ be the Alexander polynomial normalized by $\Delta_K(t)=\Delta_K(t^{-1})$ and $\Delta_K(1)=1$, These invariants are equivalent and they are ...
Tetsuya Ito's user avatar
7 votes
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Surjections from genus $n$ surface group to free group of rank $n$

Let $\Sigma_n$ be a genus $n$ surface, let $\mathcal{H}_n$ be a genus $n$ handle body, and let $F_n$ be a free group of rank $n$. Fix an identification of $\pi_1(\mathcal{H}_n)$ with $F_n$. I know ...
Annie's user avatar
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12 votes
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Definition of Thurston's skinning map

A key construction in Thurston's proof of the existence of hyperbolic structures on Haken manifolds is the so-called "skinning map" associated to a 3-manifold $M$ with boundary whose ...
mrburch's user avatar
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6 votes
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"Neck cutting" and why gauge theory doesn't work on homotopy 4-spheres

I attended a talk recently and the speaker said, essentially, that gauge theory invariants are expected to never be able to detect exotic 4-spheres because they always vanish, for a reason related to ...
Audrey Rosevear's user avatar
6 votes
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Generate $\mathrm{Mod}(S_g)$ by two Dehn twists

Let $S_g$ be a closed orientable surface of genus $g>1$. How can one prove that its mapping class group $\mathrm{Mod}(S_g)$ is not generated by two Dehn twists? A pair of simple closed curves in $...
Andrey Ryabichev's user avatar
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Terminology for discrete subgroups of PSL(2,k), where k is a non-archimedean local field

$\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$I'm asking about terminology for discrete subgroups of $\PSL(2,k)$, where $k$ is a non-archimedean local field. As it is rather clumsy to have to use such expressions ...
Hercule Poirot's user avatar
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Instantons on the 4-sphere with respect to other Riemannian metrics

It is known that the moduli space of $\text{SU}(2)$ instantons of charge $1$ on $S^4$ is diffeomorphic to the five-ball $B^5$ if $S^4$ is endowed with the round metric. Question: what does the moduli ...
Shaoyun Bai's user avatar
5 votes
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Can every homeomorphism of the 4-ball fixing the boundary be approximated by diffeomorphisms smoothly isotopic to the identity?

Let $B^{n}$ denote the euclidean closed ball of dimension $n$. Alexander's trick shows that every homeomorphism of $B^{n}$ fixing $\partial B^n$ is $C^{0}$-isotopic to the identity via a boundary ...
asymmetriad's user avatar
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Is there any functoriality of Stallings' twists?

Suppose $L$ is an oriented link and $L'$ is a link obtained from the Stallings' twists. Are there any functoriality of the twist operation on the links, such as functoriality between (1) homology ...
jhbaik's user avatar
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Finite homology of a homogeneous space

Let $\Gamma$ be a cocompact lattice in $\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb R)$ and $X=\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb R)/\Gamma$ be the underlying homogeneous space. Can the homology group $H_1(X,\mathbb Z)$ be ...
William of Baskerville's user avatar
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Irreducible factors of the A-polynomial

The A-polynomial $A_K$ of a knot $K$ describes the irreducible "non-abelian" components of the $SL(2)$-character variety of $S^3-K.$ Does anyone know a knot K for which $A_K$ has more ...
Adam's user avatar
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Fundamental group of blow-ups

Let $M$ be a simply-connected compact complex manifold of dimension three and $C$ is a smooth complex curve in $M$. Let $M'$ be the blow-up of $M$ along $C$. My question is: Is $M'$ also simply-...
Basics's user avatar
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Squier's conjecture on Burau at roots of unity

In Squier's short, yet influential, paper about the Burau representation, he made two conjectures that might have provided a proof for the faithfulness of the Burau representation (which we now know ...
Ethan Dlugie's user avatar
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Example of a non $\pi_1$-injective, degree one, self-map of a three-manifold

All manifolds will be assumed to be closed, oriented, and connected. Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a map of degree $\pm 1$. It is not hard to show that $\pi_1(f)$ is surjective. What is an example of a non ...
Random's user avatar
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Does this "join-like complex" of $K_5$ and $K_3$ embed in $\Bbb R^4$?

Consider the following 2-dimensional CW-complex: its 1-skeleton is $K_8$, which we write as an edge-disjoint union $K_5\cup K_{5,3}\cup K_3$. Then for any two edges $ab\in E(K_5)$ and $cd\in E(K_3)$ ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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2 answers

Properly embedded annuli in genus two handlebody?

Is it possible to have a properly embedded annulus $A$ in a genus two handlebody $V$ such that the two boundary curves of $A$ in $\partial V$ represent different isotopy classes of curves on $\partial ...
luthien's user avatar
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11 votes
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Computation on characteristic classes

I am organizing a reading seminar on characteristic classes. The audience in the seminar is interested in symplectic and contact manifolds. I work in categorification and would like to compute some ...
Monkey.D.Luffy's user avatar
6 votes
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Translation length on annular curve graphs

Question about curve stabilisers acting on annular curve graphs, plus context since I'm interested in being fact-checked. Definition: let the group $G$ act by isometries on a metric space $(X,d)$. ...
Mark Hagen's user avatar
14 votes
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Extending diffeomorphisms

Suppose we have a diffeomorphism $f:{\mathbb{S}}^n_{+}\to\mathbb{S}^n$ of class $C^1$ of the closed upper hemisphere onto a submanifold of $\mathbb{S}^n$ with boundary. Question. Is it possible to ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
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Bounding the Betti numbers of Čech complexes in Euclidean space

Let $S$ be a set of $n$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$, where $d \ge 2$. Then let $C=C(S)$ denote the union of closed balls of radius $1$ centered at points of $S$. For $0 \le j \le d-1$, how large can the ...
Matthew Kahle's user avatar
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Diffeomorphism problem for complex surfaces?

I'm sure the following is well known by the right people, I'm just hoping for some pointers. I know about Markov's theorem that the diffeomorphism problem for general 4-manifolds is undecidable. Let $...
Sprotte's user avatar
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Cubic lattice representation of a solid torus knot using the surface as a boundary

For physics simulation reasons, I would like to respresent a solid torus knot as a collection of integer points sat on a cubic lattice. If I were to do this using a sphere, I would do this by saying ...
Industrialactivity's user avatar
6 votes
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In knot theory, what is this link property and how to detect it: "linkings between components separate nicely"

The following could be made more general (see below), but let's focus on a link $L$ that consists of three components (closed curves) $\gamma_1,\gamma_2,\gamma_3\subset\Bbb R^3$. Call $L$ a necklace ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Books for learning branched coverings

I am self-studying branched coverings. I read it from B. Maskit's Kleinian groups book. I want some more references for reading branched covers. In particular, I want to understand how to create ...
KAK's user avatar
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Six people standing on earth

Consider 6 people $p_i$, $i=1,\dots 6$, standing on a sphere $S^2$. We label the positions of these people by $p_i$ again. Suppose no pair of these points $p_i$ are antipodal. At each point $p_i$ ...
MathLearner's user avatar
5 votes
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Are two slice surfaces with minimal genus isotopic?

For a link $L\subset S^3$ and two Seifert surfaces (edit: a better name would be slice surfaces as the comments below 1 2 point out) with minimal genus $S_1,S_2\subset B^4$, I have the following ...
MathBug's user avatar
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Why does the tangent classifier classify the tangent (micro)bundle?

Let $\mathcal{M}\mathrm{fld}_n$ denote the $\infty$-category of topological manifolds (without boundary) and embeddings; more precisely, it is the homotopy coherent nerve of the simplicial category ...
Ken's user avatar
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Proper action on product manifold

Suppose that $\mathbb{R}^n$ is the maximal group that can act properly on a manifold $N$ and $\mathbb{R}^m$ is the maximal group that can act properly on a manifold $M$ ( i.e, $\mathbb{R}^{m+1}$ can't ...
Yushi MuGiwara's user avatar
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Space-time trajectory that cannot be straightened and its braid form

Considering we have the space-time trajectory of multiple particles (or any objects) in the X-Y-Time coordination system. Given a projection direction, we can obtain the braid form of the space-time ...
Muqing Cao's user avatar
4 votes
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Faithful locally free circle actions on a torus must be free?

Is it true that every faithful and locally smooth action $S^1 \curvearrowright T^n$ is free? I know such an action must induce an injection $\rho:\pi_1(S^1)\to\pi_1(T^n)$. Another related question is: ...
chan kifung's user avatar
14 votes
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Can a cyclic group of prime order act on a rationally acyclic finite dimensional complex and have no fixed points?

Let $C_p$ b the cyclic group of order $p$, with $p$ a prime. Is is possible for $C_p$ to act (cellularly) on a rationally acyclic finite dimensional CW complex $X$ with no fixed points? Standard Smith ...
Nicholas Kuhn's user avatar
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Sets with a good lift under a covering

Suppose I have a covering map $\pi : E \to X$ between (nice) topological spaces, and $x \in X$. If $U \ni x$ is a very small open set, then $\pi^{-1}(U)$ is a discrete union of subsets $V_d \subset X$ ...
Ville Salo's user avatar
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11/8-type inequality from Heegaard Floer theory?

Background: a well-known conjecture in $4$-dimensional topology states that if $M$ is a $4$-dimensional oriented closed spin smooth manifold, then the second Betti number of $M$ is bounded from below ...
Shaoyun Bai's user avatar
1 vote
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Ways to prove that $n$-component Brunnian link is nontrivial

The attached image shows a way to construct an $n$-component Brunnian link for any $n\geq 3$. That is, this link is not trivial, but deleting any of its components makes the new link trivial. The ...
Haldot's user avatar
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9 votes
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Bing sling isotopy to unknot

Rolfsen asked the question as to whether any knot is topologically isotopic to the unknot. Where a topological isotopy is a continuous path in $\operatorname{Emb}(S^1,\mathbb{R}^3)$. From now on I ...
amd1234's user avatar
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A question from the paper "Hyperbolic rigidity of higher rank lattices" by Thomas Haettel

In the paper "Hyperbolic rigidity of higher rank lattices" by Thomas Haettel, the author has made the following statement in the proof of Corollary D in page no. 18 (
John Depp's user avatar
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Lens space bounding a topological, simply-connected 4-manifold with $b_2=1$

The following is written in section 1.6 (p.7) of this paper: ($\cdots$) Which lens spaces bound a smooth, simply-connected 4-manifold $W$ with $b_2(W)=1$? ($\cdots$...
user302934's user avatar
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Determinantal variety

It is well known in literature about the determinantal varieties, symmetric determinantal varities, skew-symmetric determinantal varieties. Is it possible to study determinantal varieties over the ...
Rit's user avatar
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A Mazur manifold bounded by $\Sigma(2,3,13)$

Using Kirby calculus, Akbulut and Kirby first analyzed that the Brieskorn sphere $\Sigma(2,3,13)$ is diffeomorphic to the following link in their famous paper: Then they switched the circles when ...
Max Schumann's user avatar
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Unstably dualizable maps

Call a map between compact, connected framed $n$-manifolds $f:M \rightarrow N$ unstably dualizable if there exists an $f':N \rightarrow M$ such that the following diagram commutes up to homotopy: $$\...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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