Questions tagged [graph-theory]

Questions about the branch of combinatorics called graph theory (not to be used for questions concerning the graph of a function). This tag can be further specialized via using it in combination with more specialized tags such as extremal-graph-theory, spectral-graph-theory, algebraic-graph-theory, topological-graph-theory, random-graphs, graph-colorings and several others.

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2 answers

Proving associativity relations by using a group acting on a set of trees?

I was wondering what kind of tools are available (if any) for avoiding pages of bracket manipulations in proving associativity properties. To be concrete, a (more easily stated) analogue of the ...
name's user avatar
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6 answers

Reconstructing an ordering of a multiset from its consecutive submultisets

We have a multiset $S$ of size $t$ with $r$ distinct elements, where $t$ is much larger than $r$. We want to reconstruct an ordering $s_1, s_2, ... s_t$ of the elements of $S$ given the values of $t$ ...
Rob Grey's user avatar
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2 answers

Hamilton cycles in $\{0,1\}^n$ with fixed Hamming distance

Let $n>1$ be an integer. For $a,b\in \{0,1\}^n$ let $d_h(a, b)$ denote the Hamming distance of $a$ and $b$. For $k\in \{1,\ldots,n-1\}$ let $H(n,k)$ be the graph on $\{0,1\}^n$ given by the edge ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Graph isomorphism by invariants

Graph isomorphism is known to be a difficult computational problem. The problem get even worst if we want to find non-isomorphic graphs in a large family of graphs. Let us call a (numerical) ...
M. Farrokhi D. G.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Increasing the chromatic number by "folding" two vertices of distance 2

Is there a finite, connected, simple, undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ such that $G$ is not complete, and whenever two vertices of distance $2$ are identified ("folded"), then the chromatic number ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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2 answers

How do eigenvalues of combinatorial Laplacian relates to automorphisms in graphs?

Is there a relation between eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian and the automorphism group of a simple graph? How are the multiplicities of Laplacian eigenvalues related to the order of the ...
linello's user avatar
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2 answers

Conditional probability that a random spanning tree contains the edge e

Let $G$ be a connected simple graph with two distinct edges $e,f \in E(G)$. Choose a random spanning tree $T\subseteq G$, my question is whether there are any known upper bound for the following \...
SRB 's user avatar
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3 answers

reference request: voltage in a resistor network is a unique harmonic function

An undirected graph may be regarded as a resistor network where each edge corresponds to a resistor of unit resistance. This paper covers such an approach. On electric resistances for distance-...
user19906's user avatar
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2 answers

Connectivity of weighted graph and zero Laplacian eigenvalues

Given an undirected graph $G$, and let $V$ denote its set of vertices and $E$ its set of edges. Suppose that there are no edges connecting the same vertex, and no more than one edge connecting any ...
James's user avatar
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2 answers

Geometry, Number Theory and Graph Theory of n-gon, permutation and graph labeling?

Given $n$ and $t$ lengths $ l_i, 1\leq l_1<l_2<\cdots<l_t\leq n-1$, of directed diagonals within an $n$-gon such that $l_1+\cdots+l_t\neq 0 \pmod n)$. Does it exist a directed path within ...
Thomas Edison's user avatar
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2 answers

Minimum number of transitive paths in tournament

Let $T$ be a tournament with $n$ vertices (i.e., between every pair of vertices there exists an edge in exactly one direction.) For any $k$, the vertices $A_1,A_2,...,A_k$ form a transitive path if ...
boaten's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the domination number of a combinatorial design determined by the design parameters?

Let $D$ be a $(v,k,\lambda)$-design. By the domination number of $D$ I mean the domination number $\gamma(L(D))$ of the bipartite incidence graph of $D$. Is $\gamma(L(D))$ determined only by $v,k$, ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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What is the state of the art on triangle-free strongly regular graphs?

From what I've read I've gathered the following facts: There are seven known such graphs. Certain parameter sets are ruled out by the Krein conditions and the absolute bound. Beyond that, little or ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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3 answers

Lower bound for sum of square root of the degrees of a connected graph

Consider a finite connected graph. By Cauchy-Schwarz and the handshake lemma, it is easy to see that $\left( \sum_{i=1}^n \sqrt{d_i} \right)^2 \leq n \sum_{i=1}^n d_i =2mn$, with equality iff the ...
user31016's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any nontrivial monad on the category of graphs?

The question is in the title, but let me specify what I mean by the category of graphs. In the context of this question, the category of graphs is the category of symmetric irreflexive relations. ...
Gejza Jenča's user avatar
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Almost all graphs have a subgraph from a large class of graphs with constant order

I will pose the question in relation to trees but the more general question that can be deduced from the title of this post is also very interesting. I suspect the question might have a very trivial ...
Jernej's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is this bipartite graph a partial cube, if it is?

Since the set $\{\log(p) \mid p \text{ is prime, } p \le n \}$ for a natural number $n$ is $\mathbb{Q}$-linear independent and since: $$\log(m) = \sum_{p\mid m} v_p(m) \log(p)$$ we can view each $\log(...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Strongly connected components as adjoint functor?

Fix a faithful functor $\Gamma: \mathsf C\longrightarrow \mathsf{Set}$ and think of it as the "underlying points". When it exists, a left adjoint $\mathrm{disc}\dashv \Gamma$ can be thought ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Can every involution of a symmetric directed graph be written as a power of another symmetry?

Let $D=(V,A)$ be a finite directed graph, and suppose that $D$ is vertex-transitive, $D$ is edge-transitive, and between any two vertices there is at most one edge, in particular, if $(v,w)\in A$ ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Embedding any graph in a regular graph with the same chromatic number

If $G=(V,E)$ is a simple, undirected graph, is there a regular graph $G_R$ such that $G$ is isomorphic to an induced subgraph of $G_R$ and $\chi(G) = \chi(G_R)$?
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Number of non-equivalent graph embeddings

Given a graph $G$, there is a minimal integer $g$ associated with it which captures the minimum genus a surface needs to have so that $G$ embeds in the surface without edge crossings. Is there a way ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Can we find 3 disjoint directed Hamiltonian cycles in the cube?

Let $D$ be the digraph on $2^d$ vertices with $d2^d$ edges that we obtain by directing each edge of the $d$-dimensional hypercube in both directions. Can we partition the edges of $D$ into $d$ ...
domotorp's user avatar
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2 answers

Automorphism group of directed complete graph

Given a directed complete graph on $n$ vertices, is there an efficient algorithm for computing its automorphism group? Is there a nontrivial upper bound on the order of its automorphism group? How ...
Huangjun Zhu's user avatar
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Polygamous stable marriage/ assignment problem

I'm not sure under which 'algorithm' it falls under, but here is the problem: I need to match each person to 5 people from the opposite gender (each guy gets 5 girls, each girl gets 5 guys). Not all ...
EugeneMi's user avatar
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Rigid Strongly Regular Graphs

I need a few examples of graphs that are strongly regular as well as rigid, i.e., have only the trivial automorphism. Any references to relevant literature would be appreciated. Thanks.
Pawan Aurora's user avatar
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Divisibility Relation for Spanning Trees of a Graph

Let $A = \big[{1\ 1\atop 1\ 0}\big]$, and let $G_n$ be the graph whose adjacency matrix is $A^{\otimes n}$. Also let $\kappa(G)$ denote the number of spanning trees of $G$. From a significant amount ...
user32835's user avatar
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Coloring tensor products of graphs

Let $ G,H $ are simple finite graphs and $A = G \times H$. Here $ G \times H $ is the tensor product (also called the direct or categorical product) of $ G $ and $ H $. Let $G$ has smaller chromatic ...
joro's user avatar
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2 answers

when does a regular graph have a 1-factorization?

Is there a sufficient condition for a regular graph to have a 1-factorization (i.e. being able to pack all of its edges into disjoint perfect matchings, and excluding one vertex if the number of ...
Sonny's user avatar
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3 answers

Name of an operation on graphs

I asked this a week ago on math.SE, but haven't obtained an answer yet, so I hope it is fine to ask this here too. Let $G$ and $H$ be two possibly directed, non necessarily simple, vertex-labelled ...
Anthony Labarre's user avatar
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Finding a subgraph with slightly large size in planar graphs

This question is related to the previous discussion here. Due to the result of Noga Alon et al., there is an $O((2k)^kn)$ algorithm for deciding whether a planar graph $G$ contains a fixed subgraph $...
Hsien-Chih Chang 張顯之's user avatar
4 votes
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A distinguishing node property in trees?

Consider a tree with k nodes and for each node v the vector lv = (lv0, lv1, ..., lvk-1) with lvd the number of leaves (!) with distance d to v. I wonder whether two nodes v, w with lv = lw are ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Counting distinct undirected, partially labelled graphs

Suppose I have a hexagonal tile. Each edge can be connected to any subset of the other edges (including none). Connections are undirected, so a->b implies b->a, but they're not necessarily transitive -...
Nick Johnson's user avatar
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3 answers

A name for a claw-graph with paths attached to it

I wanted to know if the following family of graphs has a name in graph theory: A claw with paths of any length attached to the three free vertices of the claw. More formally, a connected acyclic ...
Rune's user avatar
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Harmonic functions as limits of harmonic functions on graphs?

I have recently learned about Rodin and Sullivan's work that proved a conjecture of Thurston involving giving a construction for the map in the Riemann mapping theorem using circle packings and this ...
Sprotte's user avatar
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Does an $(x, bx)$-biregular graph always contain a $x$-regular bipartite subgraph?

I guess a discrete-mathematics-related question is still welcome in MO since I was new to the community and learned from this amazing past post. The following claim is a simplified and abstract form ...
Yungchen Jen's user avatar
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From equivalent graphs to isomorphic one- Reconstruction Conjecture

Suppose we are working with connected simple graphs. We say the graph $G$ and $H$ are equivalent if for any spanning tree $T_G$ in $G$ there is an spanning tree $T_H$ in $H$ such that $T_G$ is ...
Shahrooz's user avatar
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Graphs on $\{0,1\}^n$ based on fixed Hamming distance

Let $n$ be a positive integer and consider $\{0,1\}^n$. We define the Hamming distance $d_H(x,y)$ of members $x,y\in\{0,1\}^n$ by $$d_H(x,y)=|\big\{i\in\{0,\ldots,n-1\}:x(i)\neq y(i)\big\}|.$$ For ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Mathematical Structure and Objects Induced by Pairs of Disjoint Subsets

Let $\mathcal{S}$ be a finite, discrete and non-empty set, i.e., $$\begin{align} \operatorname{card}\left(\mathcal{S}\right) & =:n\in\mathbb{N}^+\\ V& :=\{v\subset\mathcal{S}\ |\ v\ne\...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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What Kind of Graph is This?

I am currently developing TSP heuristics that aim at symmetrically reducing the original, complete and undirected graph. The overarching rationale is that the reduction is done via a sequence of ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Edmond's blossom algorithm for Max weight perfect matchings

Edmond's blossom algorithm computes a maximum weight matching in a general graph ( Many papers also reference to Edmond's blossom algorithm to compute ...
Joris Kinable's user avatar
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Maximal acyclic subgraph

It is well known that the problem of finding a maximal acyclic subgraph of a digraph is NP-complete. Is this the case also when the digraph is symmetric ,i.e. if $(a,b)$ is a link, then $(b,a)$ is ...
Ralph Lorentzen's user avatar
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exact definition of Fiedler vector

For a given N-vertex similarity graph $ G=(V,A) $ the eigenvalues of the unrenormalized (graph) Laplacian may be denoted as $$ 0= \mu_0 \leq \mu_1 \leq ... \leq \mu_N $$ where the corresponding ...
user3072048's user avatar
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Non-Cayley expander graphs

When I search about expander graphs in google I see a lot of articles about expander Cayley graphs. Now my questions are as follows: Are all expander regular graphs are Cayley, or there is a special ...
Meysam Ghahramani's user avatar
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Relation between diametral path and regularity of a graph

Let $G(V,E)$ be a graph. A path whose length is equal to the diameter of a graph is called a diametral path. In a cycle graph every vertex has $2$ diametral paths. Now I need to prove that this: If ...
L S B. user255259's user avatar
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Vertex-connectivity of connected, vertex-transitive graphs without $K_4$ is maximum possible

A graph is said to have optimal vertex connectivity if its vertex connectivity equals its minimum degree. According to this arXiv preprint, it was shown by Mader in (Arch. Math., 1970) and (Math. Ann.,...
Ashwin Ganesan's user avatar
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Is there anything similar to the four color theorem for 3-dimensional objects?

From Wikipedia: In mathematics, the four color theorem, or the four color map theorem, states that, given any separation of a plane into contiguous regions, producing a figure called a map, no more ...
Pikamander2's user avatar
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What is the standard name of an edge-graph

Given a graph $G=(E,V)$, I construct a graph $G'$ where the vertices of $G'$ are given by the edges of $G$ and say that two edges of $G$ are neighbors in $G'$ if they have a common vertex. Is there a ...
syg's user avatar
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Meaning of eigenvalue 1 and symmetry in Laplacian spectra of graphs

We often see normalized Laplacian spectra of graphs where density on eigenvalue 1 serves as an axis of symmetry, with particularly high (blue spectra in the figure) or low densities (red spectrum) ...
Lucien S.'s user avatar
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Equality-preserving embeddings of finite trees

For finite trees $T_{1}$ and $T_{2}$ labelled by elements of some infinite set $S$, (we may assume that $S=\mathbb{N}$ without loss of generality), we define an equality-preserving embedding $f$ to be ...
M Carl's user avatar
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Graph presentation of Lexicographic shifts

Consider a finite alphabet $\{0,1, \ldots, n-1\}$. Let $\Sigma_n = \mathop{\prod}\limits_{j=1}^{\infty}\{0, \ldots n-1\}$ be the set of infinite one sided sequences and $\prec$ the lexicographic ...
Rafael Alcaraz Barrera's user avatar

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