Questions tagged [finite-fields]

A finite field is a field with a finite number of elements. For each prime power $q^k$, there is a unique (up to isomorphism) finite field with $q^k$ elements. Up to isomorphism, these are the only finite fields.

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A Vandermonde-type system

For a prime $p$ and $a_1,\dotsc,a_n\in\mathbb F_p^\times$, consider the system of equations $$ \begin{cases} \begin{align} a_1 + \dotsb + a_n &= 0 \\ a_1x_1 + \dotsb + a_nx_n &...
Seva's user avatar
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Nature of polynomials of the form $x^n-a$ over finite fields

I state the following theorem from Serge Lang's Book- Algebra(3rd edition). Theorem: Let $k$ be a field and $n$ an integer $\geq$ 2. Let $a\in k, a\neq 0$. Assume that for all primes $p$ such that $...
Riju's user avatar
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Upper bounds on the order of a number in prime fields

Let $k$ be a fixed integer and for any prime number $p$ larger than $k$, let $\text{Order}(k,p)$ be the order of $k$ in $\mathbb{F}_p$ (i.e., $\text{Order}(k,p)$ is the least integer $n$ such that $k^...
C.P.'s user avatar
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Imagining linear maps between finite fields

I can't imagine a right picture of a linear transformation $\mathbb{F}_{p} \mapsto \mathbb{F}_p$ or $\mathbb{F}_{p^2} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_{p^2}$ etc (over the field $\mathbb{F}_p$) although they ...
katana_0's user avatar
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1/2 Wilson's theorem

During my research I came across this question : Question: What's the value of $x_p=(\dfrac{p-1}{2})! \mod p$ when $p>3$ is prime ? Remark: It's easy to see $x_p^2 \mod p=(-1)^{\dfrac{p+1}{2}} \...
Dattier's user avatar
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Satake correspondence for groups over finite field

I asked the same question in MSE, but I didn't get any answer. So I decided to post it here, too. In Langlands' program, Satake correspondence gives a correspondence between unramified ...
Seewoo Lee's user avatar
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Smoothness of the moduli space of Drinfeld modules

I'm studying the proof of Thm 1.5.1. in Laumon's "Cohomology of Drinfeld Modular Varieties". Notation: $\mathfrak{m}$ is a square zero ideal of $\mathcal{O}$ and $k=\mathcal{O}/\mathfrak{m}$. Laumon ...
bad mathematician's user avatar
12 votes
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Most points on a degree $p$ hypersurface?

Let $p$ be a prime. Let $f \in \mathbb{F}_p[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ be a homogenous polynomial of degree $p$. Can $f$ have more than $(1-p^{-1}+p^{-2}) p^n$ zeroes in $\mathbb{F}_p^n$? Basic observations: ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the minimum $k$ such that $A^k \equiv I$ mod p for invertible matrices?

Let $F$ be a finite field of order $p$, where $p$ is prime. For any $n\times n$ matrix $A$ that is invertible over $F$, then there would appear to exist integers $k$ such that $A^{k} = I$. My question ...
Joe Fitzsimons's user avatar
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On equality of two quotients of a congruence subgroup

Related question: Non-torsion part of the abelianisation of congruence subgroups Let $A = \mathbb{F}_q[T]$ be the ring of polynomials with coefficients in a finite field, with $N$ a nonconstant ...
Liam Baker's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to compute the maximum isotropic subspace over finite fields?

Given a quadratic form (or a symmetric $n \times n$ matrix $A$), an isotropic subspace is a subspace $U$ such that $$U^t A U=0,$$ If I am not mistaken, when the matrix is over reals, the maximum ...
Hao's user avatar
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The slope of $nx\ \%\ m$ [closed]

(This is a follow-up question to another question I asked at MSE. I edited due to an important hint from Will Sawin - see his comments below.) There will be this question at the end of this post: ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Groups implementable by finite field

I'm interested in finding all groups for which the group operation (and inverse map) may be implemented using finite field arithmetic. I've done some searching and have come across "algebraic groups",...
user135066's user avatar
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A summation of powers defined by an equation over finite fields

Let $p$ be an odd prime and let $k\mid q$ for some positive integer numbers $k$ and $q$. Suppose that $r \in \mathbb{F}_{p^q}$ has multiplicative order $p^k-1$. For each $1\leq u \leq p^k-3$, the ...
user0410's user avatar
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Commuting matrix variety $[A,B]=0$ - can one geometrically explain divisibility of $F_ q$ point count by high powers of $q$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Comm{Comm}\DeclareMathOperator\Id{Id}$Consider the variety $\Comm$ of commuting matrices $[A,B]=0$ over some field $K$. It is much studied, and interesting for various reasons. ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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On an exercise in The Probabilistic Method : random dilate of a set in a finite field

This is related to Problem $4.6$ in ``The Probabilistic Method'' by Alon and Spencer, where one essentially has to prove the following: Let $p$ be a prime, and $A$ be any subset of $\mathbb{F}_p$. ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Is there an analogue of the Balazard-Saias-Yor criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis for finite fields?

The Balazard-Saias-Yor criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis states that the latter is equivalent to the statement that $$\int_{\Re(s)=1/2} \frac{\log|\zeta(s)|}{|s^2|}|ds|=0$$ where $\zeta$ denotes ...
OneTwoOne's user avatar
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A series of conjectures on $\sum_{x=0}^{(p-1)/2}(\frac{x^5+cx^3+dx}p)$ (II)

As in Question 319254, for an odd prime $p$ and integers $c,d$ we let $$S_p(c,d):=\sum_{x=0}^{(p-1)/2}\left(\frac{x^5+cx^3+dx}p\right).$$ If $p\equiv1\pmod4$, then we obviously have \begin{align}&\...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Write the algebra closure of $F_p$ as union of finite fields [closed]

This question follows Field theory by Steven Roman, Chapter 9, Exercise 20. Denote the algebraic closure of the finite field $F_q$ by $\Gamma(q)$, and let $a_n$ be any strictly increasing infinite ...
Wembley Inter's user avatar
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Permutations of squares and finite fields

Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group of all permutations of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$, and let $$S(n)=\bigg\{\sum_{k=1}^nk^2\pi(k)^2:\ \pi\in S_n\}.$$ Motivated by Question 316142 of mine, here I ask the following ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Covering the finite plane with lines

This is, essentially, a geometrically rendered version of the question I asked a week ago, with the emphases slightly shifted; it seems more natural and appealing (to me, at least) in this form. Let ...
Seva's user avatar
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On the set $\{\sum_{k=1}^n \lambda_ka_k:\ a_1,\ldots,a_k\ \text{are distinct elements of}\ A\}$

For a field $F$ let $p(F)=p$ if the characteristic of $F$ is a prime $p$, and $p(F)=+\infty$ if $F$ is of characteristic zero. In 2007 I considered the linear extension of the Erdos-Heilbronn ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Non-torsion part of the abelianisation of congruence subgroups

I've posted this question on math.stackexchange, but haven't gotten any responses so I'm trying here instead. Let $A = F_q[T]$ be the ring of polynomials in one variable with coefficients in a finite ...
Liam Baker's user avatar
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Submersion implies many rational points in image?

Let $A \colon V \to W$ be a surjective linear map (defined over $\mathbb{Z}$), inducing a projection $\alpha \colon \mathbb{P}(V) \to \mathbb{P}(W)$. Let $X \subseteq \mathbb{P}(V)$ and $Y \...
darko's user avatar
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The growth of class number in $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extensions of function fields

Let $X$ be a curve (proper, smooth, ...) over a finite field $\mathbb F_q$ where $q$. Suppose also that $\mathbb F_q$ contains the $p$-th roots of unity, in this case we have the following (unique) ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Polynomials passing through points with tangential conditions

In corollary here on polynomial methods it is said "(Parameter counting) If $S\subset\mathbb F^n$ is a finite set, then there is a non-zero ...
Turbo's user avatar
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$\mathbb{F}_q$-rational elements in unipotent classes of a finite group of Lie-type

I've tried posting this question on MSE, but didn't manage to get an answer there, so I'm trying again here. Sorry in advance if this question is trivial or trivially false. I haven't managed to find ...
kneidell's user avatar
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The minimum rank of a matrix over GF(2) when part of non-zero off-diagonal elements are set to be zero

Given an $n\times n$ matrix $A$, whose elements are over $GF\left(2\right)$ and all diagonal elements are $1$. There are $m\ (m\leq n^2-n)$ non-zero off-diagonal elements in $A$. If we are allowed to ...
Tang's user avatar
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2-Torsion in Jacobians of Curves Over Finite Fields

Let $C$ be a (smooth, projective) curve over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, and let $J_C(\mathbb{F}_q)$ denote its Jacobian. Suppose the genus $g$ of $C$ is at least $1$. Question 1: Are there curves ...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
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Factorisation of polynomials over finite field

Is there a method to factorise a polynomial, for $k \leq m$ and $a_i \in \mathbb{F}_p$, $$ 1 + t^k(1 + a_1 t + a_2 t + \ldots + a_m t^m)^k $$ as a product $$ (1 + t^k)^{x_1} \cdots (1 + t^l)^{x_l} \...
Vanya's user avatar
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Roots of lacunary polynomials over a finite field

If $P$ is a polynomial over the field $\mathbb F_q$ of degree at most $q-2$ with $k$ nonzero coefficients, then $P$ has at most $(1-1/k)(q-1)$ distinct nonzero roots. Does this fact have any standard ...
Seva's user avatar
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Smallest set of nonzero vectors in $\mathbb F_2^n$ which intersects every 2-dimensional subspace

What is the smallest set of nonzero vectors in $\mathbb F_2^n$ which intersects every 2-dimensional subspace? For example, for n = 3, the set {001, 010, 011} does the job, and is minimal. For n = 4, {...
JacobS's user avatar
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Lifting Lang-Steinberg to DVR's in Characteristic 0

Let $A$ be a compact DVR in characteristic $0$, uniformizer $\pi$ and residue field $k$. Let $A\subset B$ be a complete DVR with the same uniformizer $\pi$ and algebraicly closed residue field $F$. ...
Estus's user avatar
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Intersection of two varieties in $\mathbf{F}_q^n$

Suppose we identify $\mathbf{F}_q^n$ with $\mathbf{F}_{q^n}$. Let $X_n$ be the irreducible hypersurface defined by $Nx=1$ where $N$ is the norm map. There is an analogous hypersurface $X_{n-1}$ in $\...
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
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Upperbounding a sum of Legendre-Symbols

Let $p$ be a prime with $p\equiv 3 \mod 4$, for any $\mathcal{I} \subset \lbrace 0,...,p-1 \rbrace $ and any $\mathcal{J} \subset \lbrace 0,...,p-1 \rbrace $ with $\vert\mathcal{I}\vert \leq \sqrt{p} $...
nahila's user avatar
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Are the integers a vector space or algebra over "some" field or over "some" ring?

Every vector $v$ in a finite-dimensional vector space space $V$ of dimension $n$ over a field $F$ has a unique representation in terms of a basis ${\frak B} \subseteq V$, where a basis for $V$ is a ...
étale-cohomology's user avatar
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Monoid cohomology of $\mathbb{N}$ for a linear algebraic group

Let $k$ be a finite field and $k_E:=k((X))$ denote the field of Laurent series over $k$. We define a Frobenius endomorphism on $k_E$ via $f(X)\mapsto f(X^p)$. We choose a lift $\varphi:k_E^{sep}\...
Estus's user avatar
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Surjectivity of norm map on subspaces of finite fields

It is basic that the norm map $N:\mathbf{F}_{q^n}^* \to \mathbf{F}_q^*$ is surjective for finite fields. In fact $N(x) = x^{(q^n-1)/(q-1)}$. How well does this simple fact extend to subspaces? A ...
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
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Decomposition of a Matrix by Sparse Matrices

Let $\mathbb{F}$ is a field. Consider an $n \times n$ matrix $\bf A$ over $\mathbb{F}$. $\bf A$ is called sparse matrix over $\mathbb{F}$ iff the number of non-zero entities of $\bf A$ be at most ...
user0410's user avatar
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Notions of convergence over extensions of finite fields

Let $\displaystyle Q_p[x] = \left\{\frac{p(x)}{q(x)} \mid \, p(x),q(x) \in \mathbb{F}_p[x], \, q(x) \neq 0 \right\}$ denote the field of fractions extending $\mathbb{F}_p[x]$. If we consider the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Solving system of multivariable algebraic equations over $\mathbb Q$ by reducing over $\mathbb F_p$

I try to solve the finite system of multivariable algebraic equations with coefficients from $\mathbb Q$. It would be sufficient for me to prove that there is only finite number of solutions over $\...
Maxim's user avatar
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Pair of vectors multiplied by a random matrix and its inverse transpose are distributed randomly up to their dot product

Given arbitrary nonzero vectors $\vec{x}_1, \vec{y}_1, \vec{x}_2, \vec{y}_2 \in \mathbb{Z}^{n}_p$ ($p$ prime) with $\langle x_1, y_1 \rangle = \langle x_2, y_2 \rangle$, I am trying to show that: $(...
lkowalcz's user avatar
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Reference request: Number of elliptic and hyperbolic quadratic forms of a given rank over a finite field

My question is over the finite field $\mathbf{F}_q$ of $q$ elements. It is well known that a symmetric matrix of odd rank corresponds to a parabolic quadratic form but even rank symmetric matrices ...
Singh's user avatar
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Alternate descriptions of finite fields

The finite field of order $p^n$ is isomorphic to $(\mathbb Z/p \mathbb Z)[X]/(P)$, where $P$ is an irreducible polynomial in $(\mathbb Z/p \mathbb Z)[X]$ of degree $n$. This describes every finite ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Lacunary fully reducible polynomial over a finite field

The following problem is motivated by this MO question on rich directions determined by a set of a finite plane. Problem Does there exist a constant $C$ such that for all odd primes $p$ there is a ...
Luca Ghidelli's user avatar
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Balancing points with lines

$\newcommand{\F}{\mathbb F}$ Suppose that $p$ is a prime, and $k<p/2$ a positive integer. Consider a system of $k$ distinct directions in the affine plane $\F_p^2$, and the system of $k$ pencils ...
Seva's user avatar
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On primitive roots of the form $5^k+10^m$ with $k$ and $m$ nonnegative integers

Let $p$ be any prime. It is well known that the set $$G_p=\{0<g<p:\ g\ \text{is a primitive root modulo}\ p\}$$ has cardinality $\varphi(p-1)$, where $\varphi$ is Euler's totient function. It is ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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If number of points on a manifold is $q^n ( [n+1]_q )$ does it imply a geometric relation to $A^n (P^n)$?

Consider an algebraic manifold whose number of points is $q^n ([n+1]_q)$. Is there a geometric relation to $A^n (P^n)$? In particular, is there an equivalence in the Grothendieck ring of varieties ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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When spreading out a scheme, does the choice of max ideal matter?

I'm looking at Serre's paper How to use Finite Fields for Problems Concerning Infinite Fields. Specifically I'm trying to use the techniques in the proof of Theorem 1.2 to write out the details of the ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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Linear permutations commuting with $x\rightarrow x^{-1}$

Let $F = \operatorname{GF}(2^n)$ be a finite field. Define a permutation $\phi:F \rightarrow F$ by the formula $$ \phi(x) = x^{-1}, \ x\neq 0; \ \phi(0) =0. $$ We say that a permutations $\psi$ of $F$ ...
Mikhail Goltvanitsa's user avatar

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