Questions tagged [ct.category-theory]

Enriched categories, topoi, abelian categories, monoidal categories, homological algebra.

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1 answer

About the definition of quasi-equivalent dg-categories

In the article Grothendieck Ring of pretriangulated categories by Bondal-Larsen-Lunts, two dg-categories $\mathcal A$ and $\mathcal B$ are called quasi-equivalent if there is a chain of dg-categories ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
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What is the right way to define the nerve of an unbiased monoidal category?

I've been toying around with unbiased composition in higher categorical structures on and off for a while now. In particular, I've been playing around with unbiased monoidal 2-categories. One ...
Evan Jenkins's user avatar
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How strict can I be in the definition of "2-group"?

Recall that a group is an associative, unital monoid $G$ such that the map $(p_1,m) : G \times G \to G\times G$ is an isomorphism of sets. Here $p_1$ is the first projection and $m$ is the ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Variation on definition of logical functors avoiding power objects

Without power sets in meta-theory not every Grothendieck topos is an elementary topos, Set is still Grothendieck, but it lacks power objects. Now I am looking for a definition of a logical functor ...
Ilk's user avatar
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Does the 2-category of double categories and vertical transformations have flexible limits?

Consider the 2-category of pseudo-double categories (with the weak composition in the horizontal direction and the strict composition in the vertical direction), strong double functors, and vertical ...
David Jaz Myers's user avatar
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In a weak factorization system, the left class is left cancellative iff the right class is what?

Let $\mathcal K$ be a locally presentable category, and let $(\mathcal L, \mathcal R)$ be a cofibrantly-generated weak factorization system thereon. We say that $\mathcal L$ is left cancellative if $...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Checking 2-dualizability

Let $(\mathcal C, \otimes, I)$ be a symmetric monoidal 2-category, and let $X \in \mathcal C$ be a dualizable object, with dual $X^\vee$, unit $coev: I \to X \otimes X^\vee$, and counit $ev : X^\vee \...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Domains that may require a good categorical background

I'm a PhD student in category theory, more specifically I study 2-dimensional category theory, that means bicategories, pseudofunctors, careful definitions of various structures you can put on this ...
Nikio's user avatar
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Domain of left adjoint from condensed sets to anima

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$Let $X$ be a condensed set in the sense of Clausen-Scholze. If there is a universal anima $Y$ (or $\infty$ groupoid, or homotopy type) together with a map of condensed ...
user19232801's user avatar
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Subobject classifier in $\mathsf{Top}^{D^{\text{op}}}$?

Let $D$ be a small category. Does the category of diagrams $\mathsf{Top}^{D^{\text{op}}}$ have a classifier of (strong?) subobjects? I tried following the "sieve construction" for the ...
Stefan Perko's user avatar
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Stability properties of essential geometric morphisms

Notation. $\mathsf{Topoi}$ is the bicategory of topoi, geometric morphisms and natural transformations between left adjoints. $\mathsf{Topoi}_{\text{ess}}$ is the bicategory of topoi, essential ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
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What is the smallest group for which Broué's abelian defect group conjecture has not yet been verified?

Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $p$ be a prime dividing $|G|$. Let $k:=\overline{\mathbb{F}_p}$. Let $b$ be a $p$-block of $kG$ with abelian defect group $D$. Let $H:=N_G(D)$. Let $c$ be the Brauer ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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When does the loop functor $\Omega^\infty:Sp(C) \rightarrow C$ commute with filtered colimits?

Let $C$ be a pointed $\infty$-category which admits finite limits. Let $Sp(C)$ denote the $\infty$ category of spectrum objects. One way to define, i.e., is by taking the homotopy limit in $...
W. Zhan's user avatar
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Tensor product of unit and co-unit in a closed compact category

Consider a compact closed category, i.e., a symmetric monoidal category with a unit $\eta$ and co-unit $\epsilon$. It seems natural to demand that the tensor product of two units (for different ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Category of spaces/sheaves

Consider the following category $\mathcal C$: An object of $\mathcal C$ is a pair $(X,\mathcal F)$ where $X$ is a space and $\mathcal F$ is a sheaf on $X$. A morphism $(X,\mathcal F)\to(Y,\mathcal G)$...
John Pardon's user avatar
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monoidality of $ A\otimes (-) $ with $ A $ monoid belonging to the center

Let $(\mathcal{C}, \otimes)$ a monoidal category, and $(A, m, e)$ a monoid (where $m: A\otimes A\to A$, $e: I\to A$ ecc. ), with $(A, u)$ belonging to the centre of $(\mathcal{C}, \otimes)$: $u: A\...
Buschi Sergio's user avatar
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What is the formality behind passing from Number Fields to Number Rings

In algebraic number theory, one constructs for each number field $K$ a subring $\mathcal{O}_K$, the integral closure of $\mathbb{Z}$ inside $K$, which carries many of the properties which make $\...
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Sheaves over a sheaf

Everything I write I mean in the in the sense of Lurie's HTT. Suppose that $ \mathcal{C}$ be a site and let $ F \in Fun( \mathcal{C}^{op} , \mathcal{S})$. Is it always/ever true that $ Sh(\mathcal{C}...
Anette's user avatar
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Comonad for normalized pseudofunctors for strict higher categories

Garner constructed (in [1] ) for the category of strict $n$-categories a comonad $Q$ as the left part of a cofibrantly generated algebraic weak factorization system such that $$n\text{-}\operatorname{...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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Complexes in stable categories

Generalizing from 1-category theory, there's a simple definition of a "naive complex" in a stable $\infty$-category. Considering bounded positive graded chain complexes, they are a sequence of maps $$...
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Do topological commutative monoids model all 0-connective spectra (after group completion)?

Of course, before group completion, topological commutative monoids do not model all connected $E_\infty$ spaces -- among the grouplike ones, they model only products of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. But ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Is there a theory of decomposition into indecomposables? What's the relation to idempotents?

Call a nonzero object of a pointed category simple if it has no proper quotients, and indecomposable if it's not the product of two objects (dual to connected). Idempotents seem to pop up in many ...
Arrow's user avatar
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What structure of a monoidal simplicial model category is preserved by taking the opposite category?

Suppose we have $(M,\otimes,1)$, a monoidal simplicial model category. Then we can consider the opposite model category $M^{op}$ with the opposite model structure (fibrations become cofibrations, etc.)...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Universal covering and double cover functors

Initially posted on MSE Let $\mathsf{CW}$ be the category of CW-complexes and $\mathsf{CW}_*$ that of pointed CW-complexes (possibly disconnected, one basepoint in each component). I would like to ...
Emilio Ferrucci's user avatar
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Relations between functors in a recollement

Consider a recollement situation like the following by the very definition of the various functors it follows that $i^* j_*=0$, and $j^! i_* = 0 = j^* i_!$. Also, $j^! i_! = 0 = j^* i_*$ by ...
fosco's user avatar
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Does the category PCM (partial commutative monoids) have a closed symmetric monoidal product?

A partial commutative monoid (PCM) is, roughly speaking, a set with a partially defined binary operation that is as associative as it can be (given that not all products are defined) and commutative. ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
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Generalization of analytic functors

It's been a long time since I posted the following question on stackexchange. Now I think it's better to adress it to you, in the hope I will reach the right audience: Martin's comment, albeit useful,...
fosco's user avatar
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When is this braiding not a symmetry?

Given a topological space $X$ instead of forming the fundamental groupoid $\pi(X)$ which is the category whose objects are the points and morphisms the homotopy classes of paths one can also form the ...
Nicolas Schmidt's user avatar
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abelian group objects category

Suppose that $\mathcal{C}$ is a cartesian closed category. When is the category of abelian group objects $\mathcal{Ab}(\mathcal{C})$ a symmetric monoidal closed with respect to something substituting ...
crsr's user avatar
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Presheaves on a complete Segal space

Let C be an $(\infty,1)$-category, incarnated as a complete Segal space, hence in particular a bisimplicial set. Is there a model structure on the slice category of bisimplicial sets over C which ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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Does the dual of an object with trivial symmetry also have trivial symmetry?

Let $C$ be a symmetric monoidal category. I am interested in objects $X \in C$ such that the symmetry $S_{X,X} : X \otimes X \cong X \otimes X$ is equal to the identity. There are many examples of ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Subobject-poset (co-)homology

Given a group, there is another way to define its "(co-)homology" using a classifying space. Specifically, one takes the partially ordered set of its proper non-trivial subgroups (if they exist), and ...
Jizhan Hong's user avatar
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First Quantization is a mystery... but de-quantizing perhaps not

There is an well-known infamous DICTUM: -Second Quantization is a functor, First Quantization is a mystery-. Indeed, second quantization is the "Fock functor", which builds the Fock space in a ...
Mirco A. Mannucci's user avatar
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Fill in the blanks: "1Cob is the free ____ category on a ____"

This is probably straightforward, but I'm having trouble writing down a precise statement. "Everyone knows" that the cobordism category $\text{2Cob}$ (all manifolds compact and oriented) is the free ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Origin of "versal"?

Any number of constructions guarantee the existence of maps $f$ without guaranteeing their uniqueness. Some time ago, I was introduced to the terminology "versal" for such a construction. I wonder: ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Is there a natural way to give a bisimplicial structure on a 2-category?

I mean by the nerve functor. Given a 2-category $\mathcal{C}$, if we forget the 2-category structure (just view $\mathcal{C}$ as a category), the nerve functor will give us a simplicial set $N\...
Fei's user avatar
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Embedding abelian categories to have enough projectives

Is it true that the pro-objects of an abelian category form a category with enough projectives? In general, given an abelian category A, is there a canonical way to embed it a bigger abelian ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Dissolution of a topos

The dissolution of the locale associated with a frame $F$ is the locale associated with the frame $N(F)$ of nuclei of $F$ (see, e.g., Johnstone, “Stone Spaces” (1982), §2.5). Note that there is a ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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When is the Grothendieck / category of elements construction a fibration on geometric realizations?

Suppose we have a simplicial complex / poset / small category without loops $X$ equipped with a functor $F$ into the category of posets / small categories without loops. Suppose further that for each ...
Rylee Lyman's user avatar
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Solid tensor product of pro-discrete space with Laurent series

Consider the category $\operatorname{Solid}_{\mathbf{Z}}$ of solid abelian groups in the sense of Clausen-Scholze. This category is a full subcategory of condensed abelian groups, $\operatorname{Cond}...
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Examples of (co)ends

I am reading texts about (co)ends, and everywhere I see a lack of examples. I am not an expert in this area, and without examples it is difficult for me to use my intuition to grasp the idea. MacLane ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Is there a Grothendieck correspondence for sheaves/stacks?

Given a category $\mathcal{C}$, the category of elements functor sets up an equivalence of categories $$ \mathsf{DFib}(\mathcal{C}) \cong \mathsf{PSh}(\mathcal{C}), $$ whereas the Grothendieck ...
Emily's user avatar
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Regularly well-powered iff regularly co-well-powered?

Let $\mathcal C$ be a finitely complete, finitely cocomplete category. Then the following are equivalent: $\mathcal C$ is regularly well-powered (i.e. every $C \in \mathcal C$ has a small set of ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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When is a locally presentable category (locally) cartesian-closed?

Let $\kappa$ be a regular cardinal. A category $\mathscr C$ is locally $\kappa$-presentable iff it is the free completion of a small $\kappa$-cocomplete category under $\kappa$-filtered colimits. Is ...
varkor's user avatar
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When is an object determined by the number of maps from the other objects?

Let $C$ be a category with finite hom-sets. Suppose that $X$ and $Y$ are objects in $C$ such that $C(Z,X)\cong C(Z,Y)$ for any Z (with no naturality condition). For which categories $C$ does it follow ...
Claudio Pisani's user avatar
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Comonoids in the category of monoids

Let us give the category of monoids $\mathbf{Mon}$ a monoidal structure with $\otimes = \sqcup$ (coproduct). How can we classify $\mathbf{CoMon}(\mathbf{Mon})$, the category of comonoids of monoids? ...
HeinrichD's user avatar
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Is the category of atomless Boolean algebras with complete embeddings closed under coproducts?

Consider the category whose objects are atomless Boolean algebras (not necessarily complete) and whose arrows are complete embeddings. Does a coproduct exist in this category for any two atomless ...
Toby Meadows's user avatar
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The category of complexes over a dg-algebra is Grothendieck (it has a generator)

Let $A$ be a dg-algebra over some commutative ring $k$. We have an abelian category $\mathrm{C}(A)$ of (right) $A$-dg-modules. I've read in a few sources that $\mathrm{C}(A)$ is a Grothendieck abelian ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
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Non-trivial factor splitting from vacuum in TQFTs. F-move not unity?

Consider a unitary modular TQFT, defined by the F and R moves. More specifically, a braided tensor category relevant for anyon models in 2D topologically ordered phases of matter. I am interested in ...
as2457's user avatar
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When is a fold monomorphic/epimorphic

Given a functor $F : \mathcal C \to \mathcal C$ with initial algebra $\alpha : FA \to A$, and another algebra $\xi : FX \to X$, we obtain a unique morphism $\mathsf{fold}~\xi : A \to X$ such that $\...
anuyts's user avatar
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