Questions tagged [ct.category-theory]

Enriched categories, topoi, abelian categories, monoidal categories, homological algebra.

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Properties of the Yoneda extension of $F$ from properties of $F$

Given a presheaf $F: \mathcal{A} \to \text{Set}$, a classical result shows a connection between the limits preserved by $F$, the limits preserved by its Yoneda extension, and a property of the ...
fosco's user avatar
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Conservative $\text{Ho}\mathcal{V}$-functor

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a $\mathcal{V}$-model category. Which hypotheses on $\mathcal{M}$ guarantee the existence of a conservative $\text{Ho}\mathcal{V}$-functor $$\text{Ho}\mathcal{M} \to \text{Ho}...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
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Cartesian liftings in double categories

The question: I wonder whether the following definition, or something similar, has appeared somewhere (see below for motivations). Any reference or pointer is welcome! (In what follows, I denote ...
Damiano Mazza's user avatar
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Representation-finiteness vs. $\tau$-tilting-finiteness

Setting: Throughout, $\Lambda$ is a finite dimensional associative algebra, $\operatorname{mod} \Lambda$ is the category of all finitely generated left $\Lambda$-modules, and all subcategories are ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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What are the most general conditions under which the inverse image of sheaves of abelian groups has a left adjoint?

If $f: E \to X$ is an étale map (a local homeomorphism), then the inverse image of sheaves of abelian groups $f^{-1}$ has a left adjoint, as shown by Roland in his answer here. This subsumes as a ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Hodge Realisation of Mixed Tate Motives

For a field $k$ which satisfies Beilinson-Soule vanishing conjecture, the from Levine's paper, There exists an abelian category of mixed Tate ...
Wenzhe's user avatar
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Mixed Hodge modules of product spaces

Let $X$ be an algebraic varietiy (as good as you want, say affine and smooth) and let us denote by $MHM(X)$ the category of mixed Hodge modules as descrived by Saito (see for example this or this). ...
a_g's user avatar
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What are regular epimorphisms of coalgebras?

It is known that epimorphisms between coalgebras are surjective maps. My question is What are regular epimorphisms between coalgebras? I am in particular ...
Dimitri Chikhladze's user avatar
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Freed-Hopkins-Lurie-Teleman topological boundary conditions v.s. Lagrangian subspace

This question concerns the comparison of topological boundary conditions of TQFTs on a manifold with some boundary. For example, we can consider defining the TQFT on a $D^3$ ball with a topological ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Model structures on varieties of algebras

I say that a category of (say) algebras for a monad[¹] $\text{Alg}(\mathbb T)$ is "uninteresting" if the only model structures on $\text{Alg}(\mathbb T)$ result as transfer of the nine model ...
fosco's user avatar
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Under Vopenka, Is every weak orthogonality class in a locally presentable category small?

This is true for orthogonality classes- see Corollary 6.24 in Adamek and Rosicky - but I can't seem to find this result in the literature for weak orthogonality. Here, by a weak orthogonality class ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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What are the regular monomorphisms and regular epimorphisms of the category of smooth premanifolds?

A premanifold is a locally ringed space locally isomorphic to an open subset of Euclidean space equipped with its sheaf of smooth functions. No assumption of paracompactness or the Hausdorff property. ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Derived functors via coends, again

Some time ago I asked what the co/end of Ext/Tor functors was. Now I want to play with the same items arranged in different ways: let's start from the fact that the composition maps $$ \hom(A,X)\...
fosco's user avatar
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Verdier Quotient a quotient?

This question seems trivial, so hopefully it will be resolved quickly. As pointed out in this question on quotient categories and localization, the two constructions are sometimes related, but in ...
Spencer Leslie's user avatar
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N-periodic derived categories

I have some seemingly basic questions about $N$-periodic derived categories to which I have not found answers in any of the usual places. Let $R$ be a ring, and let $D(R)_{\mathbb Z/N\mathbb Z}$ ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Is there a finite test for isomorphisms of rigid monoidal abelian categories, part II

Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group. (I'm already interested in the case $G=SL_2$.) Let $\mathcal C$ be a semisimple rigid monoidal abelian category endowed with an additive tensor functor $Rep_G ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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A definition of the homotopy colimit of a coherent diagram

Suppose I am given a homotopy coherent diagram of spaces of shape $I$ (This is a simplicial functor $F:\mathfrak{C}[I] \to Top$, where $\mathfrak{C}$ is the standard cofibrant replacement functor in ...
KotelKanim's user avatar
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Test categories applied to Dold-Kan correspondence?

Let's see how this goes, this might be a bit rushed, if you spot any mistakes feel free to correct them. A test category $X$ is a category that can be used in place of the simplex category $\Delta$ to ...
user44644's user avatar
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Many-sorted nominal sets as sheaves

The category of nominal sets can also be presented as the Schanuel topos, the category of sheaves on $\mathbb{I}^\mathsf{op}$ under the atomic topology, where $\mathbb{I}$ is the category of finite ...
Jonathan Sterling's user avatar
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$\mathcal{M}(\mathcal{D}_X)$ and $\mathcal{M}^r(\mathcal{D}_X)$ have natural tensor category structures?

Write $\mathcal{M}^\ell(\mathcal{D}_{X/S}) = \mathcal{M}(\mathcal{D}_{X/S})$ for the category of left $\mathcal{D}$-modules over $X$ and $\mathcal{M}^r(\mathcal{D}_{X/S})$ for the category of right $\...
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How to realize the descent data of Qcoh as a (pseudo)-limit in Cat?

It is well-know that $Qcoh$ is a fibered category on $Sch$. In more details let $\mathcal{C}$ be the category $(Sch/S)$ of schemes over a fixed base scheme S. For each scheme $U$ we define $Qcoh(U)$ ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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(Co)limits in the category of diffeological spaces vs. category of smooth manifolds

I am wondering which (co)limits that exist in the category of smooth manifolds are preserved by the inclusion into the category of diffeological spaces? Are there any results that allow us to ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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category theoretic approach to Sylow theorems and finite group theory?

Is there a category theoretic approach to Sylow theorems? More generally, is there an exposition of finite group theory in terms of category theory which would include Sylow theorems and little facts ...
user70198's user avatar
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What is the technical difference between a deformation and a perturbation?

What is the technical difference between a deformation and a perturbation? Do they exist in somewhat different categories?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Preservation of universes in presheaves

In Lifting Grothendieck universes Hofmann and Streicher construct a universe in the category of presheaves over a small category given a Grothendieck universe in $\mathbf{Set}$. Suppose now I have ...
Aleš Bizjak's user avatar
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Are regular epi of locale stably epic?

It is well know that the category of locales is not a regular category, that is the pullback of a regular epimorphism is not always a regular epimorphism: for example, the classical counterexample ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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Limits and colimits of A_{\infty} categories

I have a question related to the discussion (Coequalizer in category of dg-algebras). How do you prove that the category of (small) dg-categories and the category of (small) A_{\infty} categories are ...
Giovanni Faonte's user avatar
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What are the Čech-local equivalences of (simplicial pre)sheaves?

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be small category and let $J$ be a Grothendieck topology on $\mathcal{C}$. The Čech model structure on $[\mathcal{C}^\mathrm{op}, \mathbf{sSet}]$ is defined to be the left Bousfield ...
Zhen Lin's user avatar
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Construction of 3D Topological Quantum Field Theory from a 2D Modular Functor

I have been reading Bakalov and Kirillov's Lectures on Tensor Categories and Modular Functors in which the authors state that a direct construction of a $C$-extended 3D TQFT from a $C$-extended 2D ...
dv1's user avatar
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Nice references for injective model structures and Quillen functors between motivic homotopy categories

It seems that for the injective model structures for the categories simplicial presheaves and simplicial Nisnevich sheaves (on the category of smooth varieties over a perfect field $k$) there exist ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Extension to a right exact functor

Setup. Let $k$ be a field, $\mathcal{C}$ be a $k$-linear abelian category, $\mathcal{D}$ an arbitrary $k$-linear category. Let $\mathcal{C}'$ be a full subcategory of $\mathcal{C}$ with the following ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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How to compute the abelianization of the representation theory of a Hopf algebra?

I will ask two versions of my question, which probably aren't precisely the same, and I am also interested in hearing about nuances between the two. Version 1: Let $(C,\otimes)$ be any monoidal ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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How do I find abelian subcategories of periodic triangulated categories?

If $T$ is a triangulated category, then the formalism of $t$-structures gives a way to find abelian subcategories inside. You're supposed to find two strictly full subcategories, $T^{\le 0}, T^{\ge 0}...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Compatibility between strength and costrength of a monoidal monad

Let $C$ be a closed monoidal category, and let $T : C \to C$ be a monad on the underlying category. Let $\sigma$ be a tensorial strength of $T$ and let $\sigma'$ be a cotensorial strength of $T$. A ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Factoring objects in a category

Normally, one builds products in a category. Here I am asking about the inverse operation. Let me be precise. Given a (monoidal) category $\mathcal{C}$ and an object $X$ of $\mathcal{C}$, does ...
Jacques Carette's user avatar
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Is there a version of the 2d cobordism hypothesis for surfaces with non-empty incoming and outgoing boundary?

Question: Is there a condition on an object $x$ of an $(\infty,2)$-category $\mathcal C$ which is equivalent to $x = Z(pt_+)$ for a unique TFT $Z$ from the $(\infty,2)$-category of framed bordisms ...
Sam Gunningham's user avatar
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Terminology for notion dual to "support"

If $X$ is a set (feel free to think of it as finite, but it doesn't have to be) and $f$ a real function on $X$, call the support $\operatorname{supp} f$ the subset of $X$ consisting of all elements $i\...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
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References for semicategories

I am struggling with the notion of structure (for reasons related to Freiman's theory and normed rings), which is the main motivation for my question: Could you suggest some (good) surveys or ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Free CCC or topos on a cartesian category

$\def\sC{\mathcal{C}}\def\sD{\mathcal{D}}\def\Set{\mathbf{\mathrm{Set}}}\DeclareMathOperator{\Sub}{Sub}\def\op{\circ}$I have a Cartesian category $\sC$. I would like to embed $\sC$ into a cartesian ...
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Categories with two objects, or mixed bimodules

A category with just one object is a monoid. A category with two objects (which are distinguished) can be described by the following data (imagine the picture $\stackrel{M}{\curvearrowright} \bullet {...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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When are localizations of Lawvere theories flat?

Suppose we have a Lawvere theory $L$, i.e. a category with finite products and objects $[n]$ given by the natural numbers such that $[n] \cong [ 1 ] ^n $, and localize it to a Lawvere theory $S^{-1}L$...
Peter Arndt's user avatar
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functor before cat?

As i read the literature, derived functors were there several years before derive categories - right?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Category of modules over a coPoisson-bialgebra

Fix a ground commutative ring $k$. A coPoisson-bialgebra is a bialgebra $H$ equipped with a linear mapping $\pi:H \rightarrow H \otimes_k H$ s.t. $\pi$ is a coLie bracket $\pi$ is a coderivation $\pi(...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Characterizing the image of a faithful left adjoint.

If there is an adjunction between a category $C$ and $D$ such that the left adjoint $$L:C \to D$$ is faithful (but not full), can one describe the image of $L$ in terms of the co-unit of the ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
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Enriched Categories: Metric Spaces, Monoidal Endofunctors and Lipschitz-Continuous Maps.

In the introduction to the reprint of "Metric spaces, generalized logic and closed categories" Lawvere talks about the following situation: Let $\mathbb R_+$ denote $\mathbb R_{\geq 0}^\infty$. Every ...
Gerrit Begher's user avatar
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What are these sets in Freyd's model?

Recall Freyd's model of $ZF +\neg AC$ (as recounted in MacLane and Moerdijk's book Sheaves in Geometry and Logic): it arises as the Fourman interpretation of the topos of sheaves on a particular ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Geometric meaning of gamma sets

First some notation: Let $\mathscr{F}_* $ be the category of finite pointed sets and pointed maps between them. Then $\Gamma^{op}$ is the full subcategory of $\mathscr{F}_* $ with objects the sets $k_+...
K.J. Moi's user avatar
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When does a morphism of sketches induce an adjunction between their Set-models?

Sketches come in many flavors, according to "what the user may specify." There are finite product sketches where the user may specify a choice of "discrete cones" to be limits. More generally, there ...
David Spivak's user avatar
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"Question-answer" bisimulation

I often come across relations that would be defined as a bisimulation, except that the label match can be "inexact", that is, in the bisimulation game, a move labelled with "a" can be replied to with "...
vincenzoml's user avatar
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Is the derived category of sheaves localised at pointwise homotopy equivalences locally small?

In order to define the cup and cross products in sheaf cohomology, Iversen makes computations in an intermediate derived category. If $K(X;k)$ is the triangulated category of cochain complexes of ...
FShrike's user avatar
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