Questions tagged [counterexamples]

A counterexample is an example that disproves a mathematical conjecture or a purported theorem. For example, the Peterson graph is a counterexample to many seemingly plausible conjectures in Graph Theory.

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6 votes
3 answers

Anomalous phenomena [closed]

What are examples of strikingly anomalous phenomena in mathematics, where just one or a rather small number of cases stand out because they don't fit a general pattern? This is most interesting when ...
5 votes
0 answers

Can a manifold be triangulated with minimal surfaces

It is a fact stated as an exercise in chapter 9 of Lee's book "Riemannian Geometry" that any compact 2D manifold can be triangulated by geodesic triangles. Can one triangulate any compact ...
Amr's user avatar
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23 votes
9 answers

Nonseparable counterexamples in analysis

When asking for uncountable counterexamples in algebra I noted that in functional analysis there are many examples of things that “go wrong” in the nonseparable setting. But most of the examples I'm ...
34 votes
8 answers

Uncountable counterexamples in algebra

In functional analysis, there are many examples of things that "go wrong" in the nonseparable setting. For instance, my favorite version of the spectral theorem only works for operators on a ...
3 votes
1 answer

Looking for non-polynomial functions: with the growth condition: $\phi\big(\theta \frac{s}{t}\big) \leq \frac{\phi(s)}{\phi(t)}$

I am for example(s) of an invertible Convex or concave function $\phi: [0,\infty)\to [0, \infty)$ such that $\phi(0)=0$ and there exists $\theta>0$ and for all $s\leq t$ we have \begin{align}\label{...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Minimum-weight disjoint union of perfect matchings

Is there a counter example or proof for the claim that the lightest edge-disjoint union of a pair of perfect matchings contains the edges of the lightest perfect matching in a finite complete graph ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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2 votes
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Primes of the form $\frac{n^2-n+4}{2}$ satisfy Hardy-Littlewood analogue?

Let $n,a,b$ be positive integers with $a<b$. Consider primes of the form $f(n)=\dfrac{n^2-n+4}{2}$. Let $C(a,b)$ denote the amount of primes of the form $f(n)$ between (and including) $f(a)$ and $f(...
mick's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Non-uniqueness of $C$ with $f_!(C) = f_*(1_{\mathcal{C}})$

$\newcommand{\Cc}{\mathcal{C}}$ $\newcommand{\Dd}{\mathcal{D}}$ $\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}$ $\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}}$ $\newcommand{\tensor}{\otimes}$ $\newcommand{\colim}{\rm colim}$ $\...
Bastiaan Cnossen's user avatar
2 votes
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Sufficient coordinate-free condition for points being co-spheric

Question: is there a theorem that guarantees that $\mathcal{P}\subset\mathbb{E}^n$ is finite set of points in a Euclidean space and all radii of the $(n-1)$-spheres that are defined by the $n$-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Dense sub-algebra of $C_{b}((0,1))$ which is not smooth

I am looking for a dense sub-algebra $B$ in $C_{b}((0,1))$ in uniform topology such that it satisfy following requirements: $B\cap C^{\infty}_{b}((0,1))=\mathbb{R}$ (No polynomial, no bump function). ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Low-Dimensional Spaces with High-Dimensional Homology

Barratt-Milnor Spheres $X_n$ are spaces with finite topological dimension $n$ but which have non-vanishing singular homology in arbitrarily high dimensions. Here, they prove that if $n > 1$ then ...
John Samples's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Uniform approximation of indicator function of a point

Fix $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and let $I_{[x]}$ be its indicator function. Does anyone know of a sequence of (obviously) discontinuous approximations $g_n$ to $I_{[x]}$ such that $g_n$ converge uniformly ...
Bernard_Karkanidis's user avatar
0 votes
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Sequence of functions tending to zero in L^2

Let us consider a sequence of functions $f_n : (0,1)\times (0,1) \to \mathbb{R}$ in $L^2((0,1)\times (0,1))$ satisfying the following condition: $$ \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\int_{1/j}^{1 - 1/j}\...
Raul Kazan's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Smallest known counterexamples to Hedetniemi’s conjecture

In 2019, Shitov has shown a counterexample (Ann. Math, 190(2) (2019) pp. 663-667) to Hedetniemi’s conjecture, $$\chi(G \times H)=\min(\chi(G),\chi(H))$$ where $\chi(G)$ is the chromatic number of the ...
Mario Krenn's user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Covering image of a connected CW-complex need not be a CW-complex

This question is already asked here MSE, and there is an answer based on some conjecture (probably still open). I am posting the same question for a counterexample (if any, not based on such unsolved ...
Sumanta's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is a cohesive set always an almost subset of a co-simple set?

A set $A\subseteq\omega$ is called a cohesive set if $C$ is finite for each recursively enumerable set $W_e$, either $A\cap W_e$ is finite or $A\cap(\omega\setminus W_e)$ is finite. And a set $A\...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

A "proof" that all separately continuous maps on LF-spaces are continuous

Problem Consider the locally convex spaces $C^\infty(\mathbb{R})$ and $C^\infty_c(\mathbb{R})$, the former equipped with its standard Fréchet topology, the latter equipped with the inductive limit ...
Lukas Miaskiwskyi's user avatar
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1 answer

Estimator preferred over the other [closed]

Suppose $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ two estimators of the mean $\mu$ knowing that $MSE(\theta_2) = MSE(\theta_1)$, $\theta_1$ estimates $\mu$ with a bias and $\theta_2$ estimates $\mu$ without a bias. ...
Alex's user avatar
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0 answers

Which domains have a Poincare-Wirtinger inequality? Which don't?

A Poincare-Wirtinger inequality holds over a domain $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb R^n$ with exponentnt $1 \leq p \leq \infty$ if there exists $C(p,\Omega) > 0$ such that $\| u - \operatorname{avg}(u) \|...
shuhalo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Primality test for numbers of the form $4k+3$

Can you prove or disprove the following claim: Let $n$ be a natural number of the form $4k+3$ , and let $c$ be the smallest odd prime such that $\binom{c}{n}=-1$ , where $\binom{}{}$ denotes a Jacobi ...
Pedja's user avatar
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Isotopy Classes of Non-Connected Planar Sets

I was just looking through some of my old questions on StackExchange and noticed that this one went totally unresolved. I still think it'd be useful as a lemma for plane topology if it were true, and ...
John Samples's user avatar
1 vote
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A weakly sequentially continuous operator which is not weakly continuous

I'm reading some papers where the condition of weak sequential continuity is crucial instead of the weak continuity. So, let $T$ an operator between a Banach space $X$ and itself. $T$ is weakly ...
Motaka's user avatar
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Failure of Strichartz estimates for the wave equation: elaboration of a counter-example

One can read in Oh - Probabilistic perspectives in nonlinear dispersive PDEs (Proposition 64, p. 60) that there exists a function $F \in L^2_tL^{1}_x (\mathbb{R}_t\times \mathbb{R}^3_x)$ which is ...
J.Mayol's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

Primality testing using Chebyshev polynomials

Can you provide a proof or a counterexample for the claim given below? Inspired by an alternative definition of the Frobenius primality test which is given in this paper I have formulated the ...
Pedja's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Infinitely many counterexamples to Nash-Williams's conjecture about hamiltonicity?

Question from 2013 gives one counterexample to Nash-Williams's conjecture about hamiltonicity of dense digraphs. Later, we found tens of counterexamples on more than 30 vertices and believe there are ...
joro's user avatar
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Two more counterexamples to a conjecture from 1975 about hamiltonicity of digraphs

Question from 2013 gives one counterexample to Nash-Williams's conjecture 1975 about hamiltonicity of dense digraphs. In the linked answer, @LouisD "reverse engineered" the counterexample ...
joro's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

When does $\operatorname{Ext}_C^1(M,N_i)=0$ imply $\operatorname{Ext}_C^1\left(M,\lim\limits_\longleftarrow N_i\right)=0$?

Let $C$ be an abelian category. Suppose that $(N_i)_{i\in I}$ is an inverse system of objects in $C$. Under which conditions does the hypothesis that $$\operatorname{Ext}_C^1(M,N_i)=0\quad\forall i\...
Tanimura's user avatar
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38 votes
8 answers

Counterexamples against all odds

What are some examples of conjectures proved to be true generically (i.e. there is a dense $G_{\delta}$ of objects that affirm the conjecture) but are nevertheless false? Also, it would be cool to see ...
2 votes
0 answers

if such counter example exists for Lehmer's totient problem could we prove that there are infinity of them or just finitely?

I asked this question one month Ago in MSE but no answer for existence of argument which show if such counter example exists we would have infinity of them or just finitely many examples Lehmer's ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
5 votes
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A subcontinuous function, which is not continuous

Let $E$ be a Banach space and $T: E\rightarrow E$ be a mapping. $T$ is said to be subcontinuous if for any sequences $(u_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ in $E$ that converge strongly to $u$ the sequence $(T(u_n)...
Motaka's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

fiberwise-quasi-compact implies quasi-compact?

Let $f\colon X\to \mathbb{A}^n_{\mathbb{C}}$ be a morphism of $\mathbb{C}$-schemes. Suppose $f$ is (a) separated, (b) flat, (c) locally of finite type, (d) all fibers are quasi-compact, is $X$ ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Polish spaces and isomorphisms

An isomorphism between two measurable spaces $(X_1,\mathcal{B}_1), (X_2,\mathcal{B}_2)$ is a measurable bijection $f:X_1\rightarrow X_2$ whose inverse is also measurable. QUESTION. Can there be an ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Primality test for specific class of $N=8k \cdot 3^n-1$

This question is related to my previous question. Can you prove or disprove the following claim: Let $P_m(x)=2^{-m}\cdot \left(\left(x-\sqrt{x^2-4}\right)^{m}+\left(x+\sqrt{x^2-4}\right)^{m}\right)$ ...
Pedja's user avatar
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Primality test for specific class of $N=8kp^n-1$

My following question is related to my question here Can you provide a proof or a counterexample for the following claim : Let $P_m(x)=2^{-m}\cdot \left(\left(x-\sqrt{x^2-4}\right)^{m}+\left(x+\...
Pedja's user avatar
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Conjectured primality test for specific class of $N=k \cdot 6^n+1$

Can you provide a proof or a counterexample for the claim given below? Inspired by Theorem 5 in this paper I have formulated the following claim: Let $N=k \cdot 6^n+1$ , $k<6^n$ and $\operatorname{...
Pedja's user avatar
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Recursively obtained hard Diophantine equation for "Baseless numbers"

An equivalent problem was originally asked on MSE as Does every number base have at least one “Baseless number”?, but did not receive any answers that would help answer the main question about "...
Vepir's user avatar
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Convergence in $C_c$ but not in $C$

Let $C_c(\mathbb{R})$ be the set of compactly-supported continuous functions on $\mathbb{R}$. We can view this with a number of different topologies but I have my eye on two in particular. Let $X$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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53 votes
3 answers

On which regions can Green's theorem not be applied?

In elementary calculus texts, Green's theorem is proved for regions enclosed by piecewise smooth, simple closed curves (and by extension, finite unions of such regions), including regions that are not ...
GermanJablo's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a finite extension with a non-trivial class group of any PID?

Let $R$ be a PID with infinitely many prime ideals. Does there always exist a finite extension $R\subset R'$ with $R'$ being a Dedekind domain with a non-trivial class group?
danand's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Polynomial inequality of sixth degree

There is the following problem. Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be real numbers such that $\prod\limits_{cyc}(a+b)\neq0$ and $k\geq2$ such that $\sum\limits_{cyc}(a^2+kab)\geq0.$ Prove that: $$\sum_{cyc}\...
Michael Rozenberg's user avatar
1 vote
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Counterexample for absolute summability of autocovariances of strictly stationary strongly mixing sequence

Suppose $(X_i)_{i\in\mathbb{Z}}$ is a strictly stationary, strongly (i.e. $\alpha-$)mixing sequence of real random variables. If we have $\mathbb{E}[|X_1|^{2+\epsilon}]<\infty$ for some $\epsilon&...
Dasherman's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there an i.i.d sequence in the unit cube $[-1,1]^d$ with $\mathbb E \left[ \Big \| \sum_{i=1}^N X_N \Big \|_\infty\right] = \sqrt {dN}$?

There are loads of concentration results for sums of scalar-valued independent sums $X_1,X_2,\ldots, X_N$ with $\mathbb E[X_n]=0$. For example Hoeffding's Inequality says if all $|X_1|\le 1$ then $\...
Daron's user avatar
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Non-existent matrices with "essential zeros"

Is there a non-constant continous function $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and matrices $A=\begin{pmatrix} a_1 & 0\\ 0 & a_2\\ \end{pmatrix}$ and $B=\begin{pmatrix} b_1 & 0\\ 0 & ...
ABIM's user avatar
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9 votes
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Conjectured primality test for specific class of $N=4kp^n+1$

Can you provide a proof or counterexample for the following claim? Let $P_m(x)=2^{-m}\cdot((x-\sqrt{x^2-4})^m+(x+\sqrt{x^2-4})^m)$ . Let $N= 4kp^{n}+1 $ where $k$ is a positive natural number , $...
Pedja's user avatar
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Most general form of Jensen's inequality

What is the most general form of Jensen's inequality? Wikipedia gives for example this more general form, which holds in every topological vector space. Are there even more general forms, for ...
geodude's user avatar
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21 votes
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Can you give an example of two projective morphisms of schemes whose composition is not projective?

Grothendieck and Dieudonné prove in $EGA_{II}$ (Proposition 5.5.5.(ii), page 105) that if $f:X\to Y, g:Y\to Z$ are projective morphisms of schemes and if $Z$ is separated and quasi-compact, or if ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
9 votes
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Are epimorphic endomorphisms of noetherian commutative rings always injective?

This question was asked, but not answered, on Mathematics Stackexchange. [In this post "ring" means "commutative ring with one".] Let $A$ be a noetherian ring, and let $f:A\to A$ be an endomorphism ...
Pierre-Yves Gaillard's user avatar
4 votes
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Can different knots have the same numbers of quandle colorings for all quandles?

Let $K_1$ and $K_2$ be two knots such that for all finite quandles $X$, the number of colorings of $K_1$ by $X$ is the same as the number of colorings of $K_2$ by $X$. Then my question is, must $K_1$ ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
0 votes
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A linear map satisfying the given property

Let $A$ and $B$ be two Banach algebras such that $B$ is a Banach $A$-bimodue and $T:A\rightarrow B$ a linear map satisfying $T(aa')=aT(a')+T(a)a'+T(a)T(a')$ for all $a,a'\in A$. If the algerba ...
Fermat's user avatar
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12 votes
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External tensor product of irreducible representations is not irreducible?

I'm writing up some notes, and I realize I don't have a counterexample for something I suspect is false. Dubious claim: If $(\pi, V)$ and $(\rho, W)$ are irreducible representations of two groups $G$...
Marty's user avatar
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