Questions tagged [convex-optimization]

Optimization with convex constraints and convex objectives; notions related to convex optimization such as sub-gradients, normal cones, separating hyperplanes

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A convex function is "usually" subdifferentiable

Let $X$ be a locally convex topological vector space, and let $f:X\to\mathbb R\cup\{\infty\}$ be a proper, convex, lower semicontinuous function, whose effective domain $D:=f^{-1}(\mathbb R)$ is ...
e.lipnowski's user avatar
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Fréchet subdifferentiation on riemannian manifolds

Context. I'm looking for a "natural" definition of subdifferentials on riemannian manifolds. Given a function $F:\mathbb R^m \to \mathbb R$, its Fréchet-subdifferential at a point $w \in \...
dohmatob's user avatar
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How to find the dimension of the polar cone of a convex cone generated by some given vectors

Suppose we have access to a generating set $\{v_1, ..., v_k\}\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n$ of the convex cone $C=cone(v_1, ..., v_k)$, where $cone(\cdot)$ is the conical hull (i.e. nonnegative span) of ...
Min Wu's user avatar
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Can this function be minimized?

Let $X$ be a locally convex TVS, and let $A$ and $B$ be convex and compact subsets of $X$ with $A \subset B$. Let $f: A \times B \to [0,\infty]$ have the following properties: (1) For all $b \in B$, $...
aduh's user avatar
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Minimization of a discrete valued function

$$ \min_{f} \sum_{i=1}^n \max \left( 0, 2f(i) - f(i-1) -f(i+1)\right), $$ where the minimum is taken over all the functions $f$ from $\{0,1,2,\ldots,n+1\}$ to $[0,x]$, $x <1$, such that $f$ is non-...
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analytic approximations of the min and max operators

Question: What is the state of the art on analytic approximations of $\min$ and $\max$? My hunch is that numerical analysts probably have a better solution than the one I propose here. For any $\...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Minimization over a convex function of equal vs unequal success probabilities of Bernoulli random variables

Let $U_1,U_2,\ldots,U_n$ be $n\geq 2$ mutually independent Bernoulli random variables. There are two cases of interest: $1.$ The random variables $U_1,U_2,\ldots,U_n$ are identically distributed; $...
Seyhmus Güngören's user avatar
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Using Linear Programming as an iterative procedure

Suppose, we have a linear program and an optimal solution to it. Suppose now, we get a new constraint. We want to obtain an optimal solution to the given linear program extended by that new constraint....
D. Rusin's user avatar
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Asymptotic behavior of gradient descent on a smooth, convex, non-negative function with no finite minimum - part II

Let $f: \mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ be a function which is convex and smooth (i.e., in $C^{\infty}$). If $x^* \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is the (global) minimum of $f$, it is well known that ...
Daniel Soudry's user avatar
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Best Approximation in Operator/non-Frobenius Norm

Since the Frobenius norm on matrices is generated by an inner product, solving the optimization/approximation problem of approximating an operator $X$ with a scalar multiple of another operator $Y$ $$\...
Conner DiPaolo's user avatar
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Derivative of rank $r$ approximation of matrix

Let $Y \in \mathbb R^{n \times c}$ and $r$ be an integer with $1 \le r \le \operatorname{rank}(Y)$. Consider the problem $$\text{minimize} \|Y-X\|_{\text{Fro}}^2\text{ over }X \in \mathbb R^{n \times ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Stochastic subgradient descent almost sure convergence

I was reading up on stochastic subgradient descent, and most sources i could find via google search give quick proofs on convergence in expectation and probability, and say that proofs of almost sure ...
user1539279's user avatar
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How well does an estimator perform on another dataset?

Suppose $X \sim N(0, \Sigma)$ is a $d$-dimensional Gaussian random vector. And we have $2n$ $i.i.d$ sample $X_1, \ldots, X_{n}, \ldots, X_{2n}$. Let $\hat{\Sigma}_1 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nX_i X_i^\...
Wuchen's user avatar
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Covering Number of a Positive Semidefinite Cone (Approximate the Objective of a SDP)

I was wondering what the covering number of a positive semidefinite cone is. Consider the semidefinite optimization program \begin{align} \max\langle \mathbf{C}, \mathbf{X} \rangle~~\text{subject to}~...
Steve's user avatar
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Designing Character Other Than Temperature for Simulated Annealing on Combinatorial Optimization

Many research on designing temperature for simulated annealing is carried out. We wonder if there is any research on designing general feature of the Hamiltonian used in Simulated Annealing. For ...
Jiayi Liu's user avatar
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Basin of Attraction

I have a function $F$ which is defined as follows: $$ F(x) = \sum_{i=1}^N f(z_i^T x) $$ where ${z_i}$ are known $m \times 1$ vectors, $x$ is an $m \times 1$ vector, and for $t\in \mathbb{R}$, $f(t) = \...
Mkl's user avatar
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An inequality from the "Interlacing-1" paper

This question is in reference to this paper, (or its arxiv version, For the argument to ...
InterlacingStudent's user avatar
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Constructing a quasiconvex function [closed]

Let $C\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ be a nonempty convex set. A function $f:C\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is called convex if $$ f(\lambda u+(1-\lambda)v)\leq\lambda f(u)+(1-\lambda)f(v), \quad\forall u,v\in C, \...
blind man's user avatar
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Two quadratic programming problems always same answer? [closed]

Was exploring quadratic programming optimization and for two types of problems the answers seemed to always equal. Problem 1: Minimize $\tfrac{1}{2} \mathbf{x}^T Q\mathbf{x}$ Subject to $ A \mathbf{...
Mike's user avatar
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This function looks quasiconvex, can't understand why

Suppose that $\mathbf{C}$ is a given matrix with non-negative entries in $\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ and $d$ is a given scalar, and let $g(\mathbf{y})$ be defined by $$g(\mathbf{y}):=\max_{\mathbf{x}\in\...
Richard Senn's user avatar
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When is the sum of a weak-$*$ closed convex cone and a subspace also weak-$*$ closed?

Let $X$ be a Banach space. Suppose $C \subset X^*$ is a convex cone and $V \subset X^*$ is a subspace, and suppose both $C$ and $V$ are closed in the weak-$*$ topology. Are there any general ...
Evan DeCorte's user avatar
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Maximizing supermodular functions

I have a real supermodular objective function which I want to maximize with constraint. The constraint is on the size, like |A|=k . I am wondering if anyone can give me more information about a ...
Majid Yazdani's user avatar
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Complexity of convex quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP)

Could someone tell me the time complexity of a convex quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP)? Any references?
mintaka's user avatar
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L-infinity-norm regularized proximity problem

I have a question: $$\min_x {1\over 2} \|x-t\|^2 + \lambda \|x\|_\infty$$ where $t, \lambda$ are given constant. I think this may be a classic problem? However, I didn't find closed form of its ...
hyang's user avatar
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Interior of a dual cone

Let $K$ be a closed convex cone in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Its dual cone (which is also closed and convex) is defined by $K' = \{ \phi\ |\ \phi(x) \geq 0,\ \ \forall x \in K\}$. I know that the interior of $...
Loick's user avatar
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Strict complementary slackness for semidefinite programs with strong duality

By a theorem of Goldman and Tucker it is known that if a linear program (LP) has a finite valued optimal solution, then there is an optimal primal/dual pair $(x,z)$ satisfying not only complementary ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Is this constraint convex?

I have an optimization problem where the following constraint causes DCP Rule Error. $$e^{x_n} \leq B \log _2\left(1+\frac{e^{\rho_n} g_n^2}{\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} e^{\...
Mojtaba's user avatar
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it's convex sequence inequality

A sequence $a_0,a_1,\dots,a_n$ of real numbers is called concave if $a_{0}=0$, and for each $0<i<n$, we have $a_i\geq\dfrac{a_{i-1}+a_{i+1}}{2}$. Find the largest $c(n)$ such that for every ...
math110's user avatar
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Simultaneous extensions of strongly convex functions

21/03/2017: I have decided to accept Denis Serre's answer, even though it does not exactly answer my question, however I like its simplicity and I'd say it is close enough to the desired claim. Of ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Is the Binomial Expectation of a Multivariate Convex Function Convex in the Vector p?

Let $\mathbf{p}=(p_1,\dots,p_m)$ be a vector in $[0,1]^m$ and let $\mathbf{X}=(X_1,\dots,X_m)$ be a vector of independently-distributed binomial random variables such that $X_i\sim \text{Binom}(n,p_i)$...
Hugh Medal's user avatar
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On the convexity of certain set of random vectors

Let ${\cal X}$ be the set of pairs of random variables $(X,Y)$ with finite expectations. For constant $c\in[0,1]$, define set $$ \{(X,Y)\in{\cal X}:\exists a\geq 0, \, b\geq 0 \text{ such that } E[\...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Generalizing Pythagorean Theorem: equations defining edges of a (convex) $n$-gon with $n-2$ prescribed angles?

Let $n\geq 3$ be an integer and $0<\alpha_1, \dots ,\alpha_{n-2}<1$. Let's say a tuple of positive numbers $(e_1,\dots, e_n)$ is nice if there is a convex $n$-gon $A_1\dots A_n$ such that $\hat ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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How to find a solution of a large system of linear diophantine inequalities?

I need to find a solution (all solutions, or at least upper and lower bounds) in positive integer numbers to the system $Ax \ge f$, where $A$ is an integer matrix. With SageMath, I solved it with the ...
Mikhail Golubiatnikov's user avatar
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Measurable selection for argmin to distance

Let $Y$ be a Banach space and equip $Y$ with the weak topology. Now, let $X$ be a closed, bounded, and convex subset of $Y$ and suppose that the relative (weak) topology on $X$ is metrizable with ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Duality problem of an infinite dimensional optimization problem

I am reading the paper "OPTIMAL INEQUALITIES IN PROBABILITY THEORY: A CONVEX OPTIMIZATION APPROACH" by BERTSIMAS and POPESCU. In the paper, the authors derived a duality problem for an ...
Eggplant's user avatar
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Polygon of convex arcs

Convex polygons in the plane $R^2$ arise in linear programming where the constraints are linear. The objective linear function attains its maximum at a vertex of the feasible region(if exists). Assume ...
Semsem's user avatar
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Advantages of hyperbolic programming over semidefinite programming?

What are the advantages of a hyperbolic program over a semi definite program? SDPs can be used to represent a wide variety of algebraic constraints. Are there constraints that can be represented in a ...
codehippo's user avatar
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Strong polynomial algorithm for linear programming

What is the current state of finding a strong polynomial algorithm for linear programming? Is there any reference?
Hao Yu's user avatar
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Standard solution to semidefinite program [closed]

I have an optimization problem of the following form $$\text{minimize} \,\|Qa-b\|_2 \quad \text{ subject to } Q \succeq 0$$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{R}^n$ are given and the $n \times n$ square matrix ...
user402940's user avatar
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Sensitivity analysis in conic optimization

I have a conic optimization of the form: $$\min_x \langle c, x \rangle,\ \text{s.t.}\ Ax = b,\ x \in K.$$ where $x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$, $A$ is an $m \times n$ matrix, $b \in \mathbb{R}^m$, $K$ is a ...
Barrett's user avatar
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Sensitivity of the solution of QP with respect to parameters

Given a quadratic program, $$\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \displaystyle \frac12 x^TAx + b^Tx \\ \text{subject to} & Cx \le d \end{array}$$ Suppose $A \succ 0$, so the program strongly ...
gcy's user avatar
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Strong convexity inequality w.r.t. infinity norm $\lVert\cdot\rVert_{\infty}$

Consider a twice differentiable 1-strongly convex function $f:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$. Is it true that there exists $\alpha>0$ independent of $n$ such that, for all $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$: \...
Toobiz's user avatar
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What is a non-trivial example of an unbounded subdifferential?

Let $f: X \to [ -\infty, \infty]$ be some function, Can someone provide a non-trivial example where the subdifferential evaluated at a point $x$, $$\partial f(x)$$ is "unbounded"? (trivial examples ...
Sin Nombre's user avatar
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Optimal covering of line subsegments using a given set of disks

Is there a way of picking a minimal set of disks that's still covering the same line subsegments as all the disks together? Any help or references highly appreciated. Below is just an illustrative ...
Ajdin Halilovic's user avatar
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How to inference the dual form of perceptron?

The model of perceptron is a linear binary classifier, which is $f(x)=\mathbb{sign}(w^Tx+b)$. $x$ is the datapoint as $w$ as well as $b$ are the parameters. The cost function of Primal Perceptron is $...
Whisht's user avatar
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Uniqueness of l1 minimization

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$. Is it true that $$\min \limits_{Q \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}}|I - QA|_{\infty} < \frac{1}{2}$$ is criteria for the uniqueness of the 1-sparse solution to $\...
love_backups's user avatar
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Finding a semigroup that maximizes the trace of a sum of matrices

Let $H$ be a finite semigroup containing $n$ elements from a compact group $G$. I am trying to solve $$\max_{h_i,\ h_j\ \in\ H} \operatorname{tr} \sum_{i,\ j\ \leq\ n} \rho(h_i^{-1} h_j)(A_j A_i^T)$$...
Nick's user avatar
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Bounding the difference in the value of a strongly convex function at its integer minimum and other integer points

I am currently working on a problem where I have to minimize a $m$-strongly convex function $$f ~: ~\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+$$ over a bounded integer lattice, $$L = \mathbb{Z}^n \cap [-...
Berk U.'s user avatar
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Has anyone developed a technique to generate a polytope given (possibly redundant) inequality constraints? [closed]

I've found a few papers that deal with removing redundant inequality constraints for linear programs, but I'm just trying to find the vertices for a feasible region, given a set of inequality ...
Nick Sweet's user avatar
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generalized mean inequality extension

from generalized inequality, we now that for $p>q$, we have $M_p(\mathbf{x})\ge M_q(\mathbf{x})$. now I am curious to know if we can find a constant $\alpha(p,q)$ which is only function of $p,q$ ...
behrad mahboobi's user avatar

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