Questions tagged [convention]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Counting loops in degree: 1 or 2?

Here's what seems to be an annoying technicality when dealing with loops in graphs. In the literature on expander graphs (and surely not only), it seems to be the convention that a loop at vertex $v$ ...
amakelov's user avatar
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Naming ambiguity in constructive pointwise natural transformations and whiskering

In the HoTT Book, the choice is made to talk about whiskering, rather than horizontal composition, because horizontal composition is ambiguous and only defined up to paths. Naturally, there is left ...
Jason Gross's user avatar
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How expensive is a proximal operation?

In optimization, a proximal step is usually considered as cheap as a gradient step. I'm quite confused by this. Why are people taking this convention at all? A typical proximal step indeed incurs a ...
T. W.'s user avatar
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