Questions tagged [complex-geometry]

Complex geometry is the study of complex manifolds, complex algebraic varieties, complex analytic spaces, and, by extension, of almost complex structures. It is a part of differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analytic geometry.

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Does every $\bar\partial$ harmonic form being $\partial$ closed make a manifold Kähler?

I'm reading Tian's paper 《Smoothness of the universal deformation space of compact Calabi-Yau manifolds and its Peterson-Weil metric》, in page 635, there is a statement that: For a compact Kähler ...
Tom's user avatar
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CW complex vs analytic manifold vs variety

I am looking to gain some intuition into the passage (or obstruction thereof) between different categories of objects one encounters in geometry and topology. To oversimplify things a bit, the ...
SMS's user avatar
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The deep reasons of admitting no global sections for a negative line bundle

We fix our discussion in the category of complex manifolds for convenience. As well known, a negative (i.e. its dual is positive) holomorphic line bundle admits no global sections while a positive ...
Lelong  Wang's user avatar
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Complex $2$ manifold $M$ with a given real 2 dimensional submanifold which meets all complex limit cycles of foliations of $M$

Is there a $2$ dimensional holomorphic manifold $M$ with a closed $2$ dimensional real submanifold $A$ of $M$ such that for every singular holomorphic foliation of $M$, all leaf with non trivial ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Normal singularities homeomorphic to a smooth space

I am looking for examples of normal complex spaces $X$ which locally around a singular point are homeomorphic to a smooth complex manifold. The only example I know is a curve with a cusp, but this is ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Minimal sum of Betti numbers of Kähler manifold with trivial canonical bundle

Let $M$ be a closed Kähler manifold of real dimension $2n$. Suppose the canonical bundle of $M$ is holomorphically trivial. Is it true that $\sum_{i=0}^{2n} b_i(M)=n+3\implies n=1$?
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Relation between Bott-Chern forms and Second fundamental form

Given a short exact sequence of holomorphic Hermitian vector bundles $$0\rightarrow F\rightarrow E\rightarrow G\rightarrow 0,$$ the second fundamental form measures the obstruction of $E\simeq F\oplus ...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Proof of Tian's constant

Basically Tian's invariant relies fundamentally on a lemma of Homander which says that $e^{- \phi}$ is integrable for $\phi$ plurisubharmonic on a ball of radius $1$ under some extra assumption. I am ...
Linda Lee's user avatar
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Dimension of highest discriminants of a morphism

Let $f: X\to Y$ be a flat morphism between smooth complex affine varieties. Let $Z$ be the closed set of most singular points of $f$ (in the sense: $p$ is a most singular point of $f$ if the tangent ...
Feng Hao's user avatar
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Holomorphic tubular neighborhood of divisors at infinity

For the discussion of holomorphic tubular neighborhoods and some criteria for their existence see this question. Let $X$ be a smooth quasi-projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$. Hironaka tells us that ...
Arkadij's user avatar
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Galois action on torsion in homotopy groups not induced by homotopy equivalences

Let $V$ be a simply connected smooth projective complex variety defined over the rationals. Then for any integer $n\geq 2$ the group $\pi_n(V)$ is finitely generated abelian so profinite completion ...
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Complex conjugation inducing a trivial map on the fundamental group

Let $V$ be a smooth projective complex variety defined over the reals such that $G=\pi_1(V)$ is a non-abelian finite simple group. Assume that $V$ has a real point. Can the map $G\to G$ induced by ...
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Derivative of the Bott-Chern forms

The Bott-Chern forms are constructed formally in Bismut's "Analytic Torsion and Holomorphic Determinant Bundle I" (page 74). This construction can be found as well in "Lectures on Arakelov Geometry" ...
BinAcker's user avatar
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multiplication in spectral sequence

I am trying to understand this paper. Let $M$ be a compact Kaehler manifold of dimension $n$, $X$ is a holomorphic vector field, $i_X$ the contraction operator, i.e. for $\alpha$ a $p$-form, then $i_X(...
Anh Dũng Lê's user avatar
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Extension of holomorphic maps to smooth family of holomorphic maps

Let $\pi:X \to D^2$ be a family of diffeomorphic (but not isomorphic) complex manifolds. Each fiber is allowed to have boundary but is compact (maybe not Stein) and $D^2 \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a ...
Paul's user avatar
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Showing that a certain level set of a continuous family of holomorphic maps is locally path connected

I'm working with a continuous function $P: [0,1] \times W \to \mathbb{C}^n$, where $W \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ is an open, relatively compact ball centred at the origin. The map $P$ satisfies the ...
user148556's user avatar
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cohomology of dual intersection complex of a k3 surface

Let $\Delta \subset \mathbb{C}$ be a small disc and let $f: X \to \Delta$ be a flat morphism of complex manifolds such that $X_t$ is a smooth K3 surface for $t \neq 0$, and $X_0$ is an snc divisor. ...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Wedge product on cohomology groups

I have a complex smooth projective scheme $X$ with the sheaf of Kähler differentials $\Omega_{X/\mathbb{C}}$ (or only $\Omega$). Denote its analytification $X^{an}$ with analytification morphism $h:X^{...
Anh Dũng Lê's user avatar
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reference for the weak compactness of currents

I am trying to follow the arguments in page 22 of the following paper k\"{a}hler currents and null loci It quotes the weak compactness of currents, I wonder if there is any reference about it. My ...
zach's user avatar
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Algebraization of holomorphic functions of two variables

Let $f: \mathbb C ^2\to \mathbb C$ be (a germ at $0$ of) a holomorphic function. Does there exist a small neighborhood $U_0\in \mathbb{C}^2$ of $0$ and a holomorphic change of coordinates $g$ (i.e. ...
Dmitrii Korshunov's user avatar
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Hypothetical uniqueness of an embedding of a Riemannian manifold to a compact Kähler one

Inspired by this question (Isometric embedding of a real-analytic Riemannian manifold in a compact Kähler manifold) I ask the following: Suppose $X$ is a real analytic Riemannian manifold with a ...
cll's user avatar
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Complex manifolds whose Hodge numbers are rigid under small deformations

Let $M$ be a closed complex manifold. Assume that for any family of closed complex manifolds over the unit disk containing $M$ as the central fiber, there exists a sufficiently small neighbourhood of ...
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Complex manifolds as algebro-geometric objects

A result of Artin states that analytification of proper algebraic spaces over $\mathbb{C}$ defines an an equivalence of the category of proper algebraic spaces with the category of Moishezon spaces. ...
geometer's user avatar
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h-principle for pairs

Let $A,B$ be complex analytic spaces. Suppose that $[A,B]$ satisfies the h-principle: i.e. every class of continuous function $f:A \to B$ up to homotopy, contains a holomorphic representative. Let $C \...
Paul's user avatar
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Kaehler manifold of dimension 6 not homotopy equivalent to a complex submanifold of $\mathbb{C}P^n$

Does there exist a closed Kaehler manifold of real dimension 6 that is not homotopy equivalent to a complex submanifold of $\mathbb{C}P^n$ for some integer $n$?
misha's user avatar
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Have complex manifolds with dual number structure on the holomorphic tangent bundle been studied?

If $M$ denotes a $2n$-dimensional real smooth manifold, then $M$ together with $J\in\operatorname{End}(TM)$ with $J^2 =\mathrm{id}$ (also called almost product structure on $M$) have been surveyed in ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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What is the Jarlskog invariant, conceptually?

Let $U$ be a $3\times 3$ unitary matrix, and call $(u_{ij})$ its coefficients. For $i,j,k,\ell$ in $\{1,2,3\}$ with $i\neq j$ and $k\neq\ell$, consider the quantity: $$J_{ij,k\ell} := \operatorname{...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Asphericity of hypersurface complement in ${\mathbb C}^n$

How does one check that the following space is aspherical? $X_n=\{(x_1,x_2,\ldots , x_n)\in {(\mathbb C^*)}^n\ |\ x_i\neq x_j\ and\ x_ix_j\neq 1\ for\ i\neq j\}$. One way I can think of is to give ...
RKS's user avatar
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a question on Hodge and Atiyah's paper "integrals of the second kind on an algebraic variety"

I have a question on Hodge and Atiyah's paper "Integrals of the second kind on an algebraic variety". It is about the exact sequence below formula (14) and above formula (15) on page 71: $$H_{2n-q}(S)...
user42804's user avatar
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On the Choice Content of Carathéodory's Conformal Mapping Theorem

The Schoenflies theorem, as a variant of the well-known Jordan curve theorem, states that the interior and the exterior planar regions determined by a simple closed curve (aka Jordan curve) in $\...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
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Do non-constant maps specialize to non-constant maps?

Let $R$ be a dvr with fraction field $K$ and residue field $k$. Let $\mathcal{X}\to \mathcal{Y}$ be a morphism of $R$-schemes such that $\mathcal{X}_K\to \mathcal{Y}_K$ is non-constant. Is the ...
Gerard's user avatar
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Criterium for algebraicity of an analytic map

Let $X$ and $Y$ be algebraic varieties over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $f:X^{an}\to Y^{an}$ be a holomorphic map. Is the following statement correct? If there is an algebraic variety $V$ over $\mathbb{...
Tony's user avatar
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Lagrangian foliation for a holomorphic symplectic manifold

I am interested in gathering as many examples as possible for Lagrangian foliations of holomorphically symplectic manifolds $(X, \omega)$, where $X$ is a $2n$-dimensional complex manifold equipped ...
Flavius Aetius's user avatar
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Complex algebraic submersions

Let $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ be smooth complex algebraic varieties and let $f:X\to Y$ and $g:X\to Z$ be two morphisms. Suppose that $f$ is surjective, that $df_x:T_xX\to T_{f(x)}Y$ is surjective for all $x\in ...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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The splitting in the decomposition theorem

A special case, which I think is much older, of the Decomposition Theorem states that, for a projective smooth morphism $f: X \to Y$ of complex algebraic varieties, the higher direct image $Rf_* \...
S. carmeli's user avatar
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Fractal covering of a plane with complex-base numeral systems - is periodicity necessary?

Taking a base $z$ positional numeral system with digits $a_k\in \{0,\ldots,n-1\}$: $$s:\left\{(a_k)\in\{0,\ldots,n-1\}^{\mathbb{Z}}: \exists_K \forall_{k>K} \ a_k=0\right \}\to \sum_{k\in\mathbb{...
Jarek Duda's user avatar
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Singular foliations of $\mathbb{C}P^2$ that are compatible to Fubini-Study metric

Is there a complete classification of quadratic polynomial vector fields on $\mathbb{C}^2$ whose corresponding singular foliation of $\mathbb{C}P^2$ satisfies the property quoted below? The regular ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Is a holomorphic function on a subvariety of $\mathbb C^n$ locally a restriction?

Suppose that $X\subset \mathbb C^n$ is a subvariety (locally given by holomorphic equations) and $f: X\to \mathbb C$ is a function. Suppose that $f$ is 1) continuous, 2) holomorphic on the smooth ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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Subadditivity of multiplier ideals with a pluriharmonic function

I would like to have a reference for the following two facts (if true): Let $D$ be a nef and big divisor on an algebraic variety $X$ and $h$ a Hermitian metric with minimal singularities on $D$, ...
Joaquín Moraga's user avatar
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Gibbons-Hawking space over over two points is $\text{T}^\ast\mathbb{CP}^1$

Is there any direct way of seeing that the space obtained via the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz over $\mathbb{R}^3\setminus\{p_1,p_2\}$ with a suitable choice of complex structure is biholomorphic to $\text{...
letreetlneant's user avatar
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exceptional Hermitian symmetric spaces - models and Riemannian metrics

There are two compact exceptional Hermitian symmetric spaces. The complexified octonionic projective plane $\mathrm{E_6/U(1)Spin(10)}$: Q1: What exactly is the complexified octonionic projective ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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de Rham isomorphism with holomorphic forms

For a non-compact Riemann surface $X$ there is an isomorphism: $$\Omega(X)/\mathrm d \mathcal O(X)\simeq H^1(X,\mathbb C)$$ where $\Omega$ is the sheaf of holomorphic forms on $X$. The group on the ...
user336494's user avatar
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Reference request: If the local system extends, then the variation of Hodge structures extends

I'm looking for a precise reference for the following theorem. Let $C$ be a smooth curve over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $S$ be a finite set of closed points of $C$. Let $\ V$ be a polarized variation ...
Telg's user avatar
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Is the analytification of the coarse space equal to the coarse moduli space of the analytification?

If $X$ is a smooth finite type separated DM algebraic stack over $\mathbb C$ with coarse space $X^c$, then do we know whether the analytification of $X^c$ is the coarse space of the analytification of ...
George's user avatar
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Ehresmann's without properness in the algebraic category?

Ehresmann's theorem for manifolds states: If $f : X \to Y$ is a proper submersion, then $X$ is a locally trivial fibration on $Y$. Some sources I am reading (Lazarsfeld Positivity in Algebraic ...
Elle Najt's user avatar
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Analytic refinement of generalized cohomology theories

Recently, U.Bunke and others developed in a number of papers (such as this, this or this) an approach to smooth extensions of cohomology theories based on stable homotopy theory. In this approach a ...
Andrei Halanay's user avatar
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Smooth quotients and separation of orbits

Consider a unipotent algebraic group $G$ over $\mathbb{C}$ acting polynomially on $\mathbb{C}^n$. Suppose that the quotient exists as an analytical geometric quotient, i.e., $\mathbb{C}^n/G$ is a ...
Yoyo's user avatar
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Resources on a smooth topos containing complex analytic/holomorphic geometry

In this question Urs Schreiber mentioned there are models in synthetic differential geometry of complex analytic geometry. First of all: When Urs writes complex analytic geometry, does he mean ...
Georg Lehner's user avatar
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Possible Betti numbers of smooth complex varieties

Given a smooth projective complex variety $X$ of dimension $n$, there are various restrictions on its sequence of Betti numbers $b_0, b_1, ..., b_{2n}$. Of course, $b_0=b_{2n}=1$ and $b_i=b_{2n-i}$ by ...
Dominik's user avatar
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Lie algebra of holomorphic vector fields

It's well known that the holomorphic vector fields on a complex manifold form a Lie algebra. In simplest situations, this Lie algebra can be described explicitly. For example, take $X=\mathbb{P}^n$, ...
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