Questions tagged [algebraic-curves]

for questions on one dimensional algebraic varieties over any field, including questions of moduli, and questions about specific curves.

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54 votes
0 answers

Uniformization over finite fields?

The following is a question I've been asking people on and off for a few years, mostly out of idle curiosity, though I think it's pretty interesting. Since I've made more or less no progress, I ...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

The work of E. Artin and F. K. Schmidt on (what are now called) the Weil conjectures.

I was reading Dieudonne's "On the history of the Weil conjectures" and found two things that surprised me. Dieudonne makes some assertions about the work of Artin and Schmidt which are no doubt ...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
34 votes
4 answers

Curves which are not covers of P^1 with four branch points

The following interesting question came up in a discussion I was having with Alex Wright. Suppose given a branched cover C -> P^1 with four branch points. It's not hard to see that the field of ...
JSE's user avatar
  • 19.1k
32 votes
7 answers

Links between Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry

I'm taking introductory courses in both Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry this term. I was surprised to hear that any compact Riemann surface is a projective variety. Apparently deeper links ...
Randomblue's user avatar
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32 votes
10 answers

Which 'well-known' algebraic geometric results do not hold in characteristic 2?

A smooth curve $X$ in $\mathbb{P}^n$ is strange if there is a point $p$ which lies on all the tangent lines of $X$. Examples are $\mathbb{P}^1$ is strange and so is $y=x^2$ in characteristic $2$. ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Polynomials with the same values set on the unit circle

Assume that $P(z)$, $Q(z)$ are complex polynomials such that $P(S)=Q(S)$, where $S=\{z\colon |z|=1\}$ (equality is understood in the sense of sets, but I do not know the answer even for multisets). ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

Do all curves have Néron models

Let $X$ be a smooth projective geometrically connected curve over a number field $K$. Assume that $g\geq 2$. Does there exist a Néron model $\mathcal X$ for $X$ over $O_K$? By a Néron model, I mean ...
Harry's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

Motivation for zeta function of an algebraic variety

If $p$ is a prime then the zeta function for an algebraic curve $V$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ is defined to be $$\zeta_{V,p}(s) := \exp\left(\sum_{m\geq 1} \frac{N_m}{m}(p^{-s})^m\right). $$ where $N_m$ is ...
Rdrr's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Mumford conjecture: Heuristic reasons? Generalizations? ... Algebraic geometry approaches?

The Mumford conjecture states that for each integer $n$, we have: the map $\mathbb{Q}[x_1,x_2,\dots] \to H^\ast(M_g ; \mathbb{Q})$ sending $x_i$ to the kappa class $\kappa_i$, is an isomorphism in ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
  • 20.8k
26 votes
1 answer

Is every curve birational to a smooth affine plane curve?

Is every curve over $\mathbf{C}$ birational to a smooth affine plane curve? Bonnie Huggins asked me this question back in 2003, but neither I nor the few people I passed it on to were able to answer ...
Bjorn Poonen's user avatar
  • 23.6k
24 votes
2 answers

Rigorous version of heuristic argument for genus-degree formula?

A recent MO question about non-rigorous reasoning reminded me of something I've wondered about for some time. The genus–degree formula says that genus $g$ of a nonsingular projective plane curve of ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

How did Riemann prove that the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces of genus $g>1$ has dimension $3g-3$?

Consider the moduli space $M_g$ of compact Riemann surfaces (i.e., smooth complete algebraic curves over $\mathbb{C}$) of genus $g$ for some $g>1$. I'm interested in knowing how Riemann proved that ...
Yuhang Chen's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

History of the connection between Riemann surfaces and complex algebraic curves

As noted in the question "Links between Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry", there are strong connections between Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry - for example, compact Riemann surfaces ...
Tait's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

A historical question: Hurwitz, Luroth, Clebsch, and the connectedness of $\mathcal{M}_g$

The connectedness of the moduli space $\mathcal{M}_g$ of complex algebraic curves of genus $g$ can be proven by showing that it is dominated by a Hurwitz space of simply branched d-fold covers of the ...
JSE's user avatar
  • 19.1k
22 votes
0 answers

Knots realized as algebraic curves

Two questions: Q1. Have researchers worked out minimum-degree real algebraic curves in $\mathbb{R}^3$ realizing specific knots? Some work on the trefoil is reported in this MSE question.   &...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Why not add cuspidal curves in the moduli space of stable curves?

Let $\mathcal{M}_{g,n}$ be the moduli space (stack) of stable smooth curves of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points over $\mathbb{C}. $ It's known that by adding stable nodal curves to $\mathcal{M}_{g,n}$,...
Yuhang Chen's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

A good example of a curve for geometric Langlands

I'm currently working through Frenkel's beautiful paper: I'm looking for a good example of a projective curve to get my hands dirty, and go ...
Puraṭci Vinnani's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Which curves can be found on Abelian varieties?

We know that each genus 2 curve is embedded into its degree 1 Jacobian. Under which conditions on $C$, $A$, $g$ and $n$ is it possible for a genus $g$ smooth curve $C$ to be embedded in an Abelian ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^1\times\mathbb{P}^1$

I have a question about vector bundles on the algebraic surface $\mathbb{P}^1\times\mathbb{P}^1$. My motivation is the splitting theorem of Grothendieck, which says that every algebraic vector bundle ...
user5395's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

what is the maximum number of rational points of a curve of genus 2 over the rationals

Conjecturally, there exists an integer $n$ such that the number of rational points of a genus $2$ curve over $\mathbf{Q}$ is at most $n$. (This follows from the Bombieri-Lang conjecture.) We are ...
Dirk's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

When does the Torelli Theorem hold?

The Torelli theorem states that the map $\mathcal{M}_g(\mathbb{C})\to \mathcal{A}_g(\mathbb{C})$ taking a curve to its Jacobian is injective. I've seen a couple of proofs, but all seem to rely on the ...
Charles Siegel's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Does there exist a curve of degree 11 having 15 triple points?

Does there exist an irreducible curve of degree 11 in the projective plane which would have 15 triple points? For information, such a curve would be rational, if it exists, and would be smooth at ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

What does the Jacobian of a curve tell us about the curve?

A natural object in the study of curves is the Jacobian of a curve. What are some natural geometric properties of the curve that the Jacobian encapsulates? In other words, what can the Jacobian tell ...
18 votes
1 answer

Does the moduli space of genus three curves contain a complete genus two curve

Inspired by the question Does the moduli space of smooth curves of genus g contain an elliptic curve and its amazing answers, I ask (pure out of curiosity) whether the moduli space $M_3$ of (smooth ...
18 votes
2 answers

Tame morphism from a curve to $\mathbb{P}^1$

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p\ge 0$. Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve over $k$. Is it possible to find a map $C \to \mathbb{P}^1$ that is tamely ramified at every ...
Jérôme Poineau's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

New(?) reciprocity law

Consider three functions $f, g$ and $h$ on a smooth curve $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$. I have found the following equality: $$\sum (res(f\frac{dg}{g})\frac{dh}{h}-res(f\frac{dh}{h})\frac{dg}{g})=0.$$ Here ...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Does every hyperbolic curve over a finite field have an etale cover with a real Frobenius eigenvalue?

More precisely: let X/F_q be a smooth projective algebraic curve of genus at least 2. Does there always exist a curve Y/F_{q^d} with a finite etale projection Y -> X, such that one of the Frobenius ...
JSE's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Putting algebraic curves in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Let $X \subset \mathbb{C}^2$ be a smooth algebraic curve. Thinking of $\mathbb{C}^2$ as $\mathbb{R}^4$, is there a smooth map $\phi: \mathbb{C}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^3$ so that $\phi: X \to \mathbb{R}^3$ ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Infinitely many curves with isogenous Jacobians

Let $g\geq 4$. Are there infinitely many compact genus $g$ Riemann surfaces with (mutually) isogenous Jacobians? Does the situation change in positive characteristic?
Raju's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Do mapping classes have gonality?

(This question was discussed by people at the PCMI workshop on moduli spaces, without any clear resolution, so I thought I'd throw it open to MO.) The hyperelliptic mapping class group is (by ...
JSE's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

What is the Euler characteristic of a Hilbert scheme of points of a singular algebraic curve?

Let $X$ be a smooth surface of genus $g$ and $S^nX$ its n-symmetrical product (that is, the quotient of $X \times ... \times X$ by the symmetric group $S_n$). There is a well known, cool formula ...
James O's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Are curves with `fractional points' uniquely determined by their residual gerbes?

One makes precise the vague notion of "curve with a fractional point removed" (see for instance these slides) using stacks -- one should really consider Deligne-Mumford stacks whose coarse spaces are ...
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Riemann surfaces: explicit algebraic equations

Suppose $\Gamma$ is a nice discrete subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ such that the genus of the Riemann surface $\mathbb{H}/\Gamma$ is larger than 1. We know that this Riemann surface is also an ...
Idoneal's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Why is the section conjecture important?

As in the title, I want to know the reason for importance of the section conjecture. Of course, the statement of conjecture is important as itself, even I cannot fully grasp the soul of it. However, ...
Kevin.lijh's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Why should the number of $\mathbb{F}_q$ points on degree $d$ curves $C\subset \mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{F}_q}^n$ decrease as $n$ increases?

This question concerns some counterintuitive results (to me at least) regarding the number of points on a projective curve over a finite field. Namely, if one fixes the degree of the curve, but ...
TomGrubb's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

D-modules over algebraic curves VS differential Galois theory

Disclaimer: I know very little about both of the fields in question. My question is pretty simple: What's the relation between differential Galois theory and D-modules over algebraic curves? ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Is the Torelli map an immersion?

The Torelli map $\tau\colon M_g \to A_g$ sends a curve C to its Jacobian (along with the canonical principal polarization associated to C); see this question for a description which works for families....
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

what is the cyclic cover trick?

What do people mean by the "cyclic cover trick"? I have found this expression a couple of times with no complete explanation, both talking about curves and surfaces...
IMeasy's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

What is an Oper?

Given a curve C, and a reductive group G, there is a moduli stack Loc_G(C), the stack of G-local systems. I keep reading that there's a substack of "opers" but am having trouble locating a definition....
Charles Siegel's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Permuting collinear points on a curve

Let $C \subset {\bf CP}^2$ be an irreducible algebraic smooth (projectively) planar curve over the complex numbers of degree $d$ (we allow finitely many points to be deleted from $C$ to make it smooth)...
Terry Tao's user avatar
  • 109k
15 votes
6 answers

Curves with negative self intersection in the product of two curves

I wonder if the following is known: Are there two compact curves C1 and C2 of genus>1 defined over complex numbers, such that their product contains infinite number of irreducible curves of negative ...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
  • 28.8k
15 votes
2 answers

Why is a general curve automorphism-free?

Fix an algebraically closed field $k$. Why is the general curve over $k$ of genus $g \ge 3$ automorphism-free? I am particularly interested in seeing an argument that does not go by induction and ...
jlk's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Modular forms from counting points on algebraic varieties over a finite field

Suppose we are given some polynomial with integer coefficients, which we regard as carving out an affine variety $E$, for example: $$ 3x^2y - 12 x^3y^5 + 27y^9 - 2 = 0 \tag{$*$} $$ (We might ...
Bruce Bartlett's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Original reference for Riemann's inequality

Let $D$ be a divisor on a compact Riemann surface of genus $g$. The inequality $$ l(D)\geq {\textrm {deg}}(D)-g+1 $$ is called Riemann's inequality. $ \phantom{aaaaaaaa}$In which of Riemann's papers ...
Tintin's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Height functions on $\mathcal{M}_g(\overline{\Bbb{Q}})$ defined via dessins d'enfants?

Belyi's theorem establishes a correspondence between smooth projective curves defined over number fields and the so called dessins d'enfants which are bipartite graphs embedded on an oriented surface ...
KhashF's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Is a one-dimensional compact complex analytic space necessarily projective?

Let $X$ be a compact complex analytic space with singular locus $X^{\mathrm{sing}}$. Suppose that $X\setminus X^{\mathrm{sing}}$ is a Riemann surface. If $X^{\mathrm{sing}} = \emptyset$, then $X$ is ...
user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

History of Study's Lemma?

The following theorem is usually attributed to Eduard Study: Let $f(x,y)$ and $g(x,y)$ be polynomials in two variables over a field, with $f$ irreducible. If $f\nmid g$ then the curves $C_f:f=0$ and $...
Drew Armstrong's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Construction of the determinant line bundle on the degree $g-1$ Picard variety

Consider $J^{g-1}$, the variety of degree $g-1$ line bundles on a compact Riemann surface of genus $g$. Recall that $J^{g-1}$ is a torsor for the Jacobian, thus has dimension $g$. We can produce ...
Marco Gualtieri's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Can a curve intersect a given curve only at given points?

Clearly the question in the title has a positive answer for analytic (or smooth, or continuous ...) curves, but what about the algebraic category? More specifically, given an irreducible polynomial ...
pinaki's user avatar
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15 votes
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Do $\mathbb{A}^1-S$ and $\mathbb{A}^1-\{0,1\}$ have a finite etale cover in common?

We work over the field of complex numbers. (But remarks in characteristic $p$ are very welcome.) Let $S$ be a finite set of points in $\mathbb{A}^1$ containing $0$ and $1$. [Edit: Assume $S$ contains ...
Neeroen's user avatar
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