
Consider a random $G(n,p)$ graph where $p=\omega(\frac 1n)$, and let $x$ denote the probability that the graph has a connected component of size linear in $n$.

It is well known that $x$ tends to $1$ as $n\to \infty$, even if $p\geq \frac {1+\epsilon}{n}$. However, I am looking for a more exact statement: Something of the form $$x\geq 1-O(f(n,p))$$ where $f$ is some small function of $n$ and $p$.

I'm sure that a reference exists somewhere, but I have yet to find it.



1 Answer 1


In "On tree census and the giant component in sparse random graphs, B. Pittel proves the following (see Gap Theorem and Lemma 4): for $c>1,$ any $a>0$ and any $\omega \to \infty$ however slowly, \begin{equation*} P(|\# \text{ of vertices in largest component}-\theta n |> \omega \sqrt{ n \ln n})\leq n^{-a}, \end{equation*} where $\theta$ is the unique positive root of $1-\theta = e^{-c \theta}$. So definitely you can choose $f(n,p)=n^{-a}$ for whichever $a>0$ you want. I imagine that one can mimic the proof to get a better bound when $np \to \infty$.


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