
With the flavour of this question: Which journals publish expository work?, I would like to ask the following question

Which journals publish Ph.D. thesis abstracts?

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3 Answers 3


The journal Dissertationes Mathematicae publishes quite a lot of entire Ph.D. theses, and the abstracts (which may be fairly long and quite often also include the table of contents of the thesis) are free to view.


To begin with, the Australian Mathematics Society Bulletin publishes "Abstracts of Ph.D. Theses":

The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society publishes Abstracts of Australasian Ph.D. Theses. The abstract submitted to the BULLETIN may be the abstract included in the thesis itself. However, the BULLETIN will accept abstracts of up to three pages, which may include references. All the mathematical sciences are covered, including pure and applied mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics, mathematical physics, and mathematical computer science.


I have seen some announcements of results of PhD theses in the comptes rendus mathematique


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