EDIT: removed cruft from this question.
Recall that extra degeneracies for an augmented simplicial set $X$ are maps $s_0\colon X_n \to X_{n+1}$ for $n=-1,0,1,2,\ldots$ which satisfy the usual simplicial identities with respect to the existing $d_i$, $s_i$. This definition clearly works for simplicial objects in pretty much an arbitrary category.
A simplicial set, augmented by $X_{-1} = \ast$, with extra degeneracies is contractible. In fact, given enough structure on an ambient category $C$, one can sensibly talk about homotopy of simplicial objects in $C$ (for example, one can say when $sC$ is a category with cofibrant objects, and has a notion of homotopy of maps). [EDIT: By this I mean there is some sort of model structure around relative to which we can talk about homotopy]
So my question is this: is it reasonable to think of simplicial objects in $C$ with extra degeneracies as being contractible for any category $C$ with terminal object? Certainly, ignoring size issues, we can think of such things as being contractible after we embed them in the category of simplicial sets in $Pre(C)$, if not some smaller (co)completion category.
Secondarily, can I get away with saying a simplicial object with extra degeneracies "is a contractible simplicial object?"